C# Class ExcelToolKit.BinaryFormat.XlsBiffStream

Represents a BIFF stream
Inheritance: XlsStream
Afficher le fichier Open project: fanfeilong/exceltk Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Read ( ) : XlsBiffRecord

Reads record under cursor and advances cursor position to next record

ReadAt ( int offset ) : XlsBiffRecord

Reads record at specified offset, does not change cursor position

Seek ( int offset, SeekOrigin origin ) : void

Sets stream pointer to the specified offset

XlsBiffStream ( XlsHeader hdr, uint streamStart, bool isMini, XlsRootDirectory rootDir, ExcelBinaryReader reader ) : System

Method Details

Read() public méthode

Reads record under cursor and advances cursor position to next record
public Read ( ) : XlsBiffRecord
Résultat XlsBiffRecord

ReadAt() public méthode

Reads record at specified offset, does not change cursor position
public ReadAt ( int offset ) : XlsBiffRecord
offset int
Résultat XlsBiffRecord

Seek() public méthode

Sets stream pointer to the specified offset
public Seek ( int offset, SeekOrigin origin ) : void
offset int Offset value
origin SeekOrigin Offset origin
Résultat void

XlsBiffStream() public méthode

public XlsBiffStream ( XlsHeader hdr, uint streamStart, bool isMini, XlsRootDirectory rootDir, ExcelBinaryReader reader ) : System
hdr XlsHeader
streamStart uint
isMini bool
rootDir XlsRootDirectory
reader ExcelBinaryReader
Résultat System