C# Class EAAddinFramework.Mapping.MappingFactory

Description of MappingFactory.
Afficher le fichier Open project: GeertBellekens/Enterprise-Architect-Add-in-Framework Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
createNewMappings ( TSF attribute, string basepath, ElementWrapper targetRootElement ) : List
createOwnedMappings ( ElementWrapper ownerElement, string basepath ) : List
createOwnedMappings ( ElementWrapper ownerElement, string basepath, ElementWrapper targetRootElement ) : List
createRootMappings ( ElementWrapper root, string basePath ) : List
getConnectorString ( ConnectorWrapper mappedConnector ) : string
getValueForKey ( string key, string source ) : string

parses the the given source string for any keyvalue pairs and returns the value corresponding to the given key. The format of the soure string is assumed as follows: key1=value1;key2=value2,...

Method Details

createNewMappings() public static méthode

public static createNewMappings ( TSF attribute, string basepath, ElementWrapper targetRootElement ) : List
attribute TSF
basepath string
targetRootElement ElementWrapper
Résultat List

createOwnedMappings() public static méthode

public static createOwnedMappings ( ElementWrapper ownerElement, string basepath ) : List
ownerElement ElementWrapper
basepath string
Résultat List

createOwnedMappings() public static méthode

public static createOwnedMappings ( ElementWrapper ownerElement, string basepath, ElementWrapper targetRootElement ) : List
ownerElement ElementWrapper
basepath string
targetRootElement ElementWrapper
Résultat List

createRootMappings() public static méthode

public static createRootMappings ( ElementWrapper root, string basePath ) : List
root ElementWrapper
basePath string
Résultat List

getConnectorString() public static méthode

public static getConnectorString ( ConnectorWrapper mappedConnector ) : string
mappedConnector TSF.UmlToolingFramework.Wrappers.EA.ConnectorWrapper
Résultat string

getValueForKey() public static méthode

parses the the given source string for any keyvalue pairs and returns the value corresponding to the given key. The format of the soure string is assumed as follows: key1=value1;key2=value2,...
public static getValueForKey ( string key, string source ) : string
key string the key to searche for
source string the source string to search in
Résultat string