C# Class DotNetNuke.Modules.Forums.Providers.Data.SqlDataProvider.SqlDataProvider

SQL Server implementation (ie. concrete provider) of the abstract DataProvider class for the Forums module.
Inheritance: IDataProvider
Afficher le fichier Open project: DNNCommunity/DNN.Forum

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddFilter ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, string find, string replace, string filterType, bool applyOnSave, bool applyOnRender ) : int
AddPermission ( string description, int portalId, string canView, string canRead, string canCreate, string canEdit, string canDelete, string canLock, string canPin, string canAttach, string canPoll, string canBlock, string canTrust, string canSubscribe, string canAnnounce, string canTag, string canPrioritize, string canModApprove, string canModMove, string canModSplit, string canModDelete, string canModUser, string canModEdit, string canModLock, string canModPin ) : int
AddPoll ( int topicId, int userId, string question, string pollType, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddPollOption ( int pollId, string optionName, int priority, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddPollResult ( int pollId, int pollOptionId, string response, string ipaddress, int userId, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddPost ( int topicId, int parentPostId, string subject, string body, bool isApproved, bool isLocked, bool isPinned, int userId, string displayName, string emailAddress, string ipAddress, bool postReported, float rating, string postIcon, int statusId, string slug, string postData, System.DateTime approvedOnDate, System.DateTime createdDate ) : int
AddPostAttachment ( int postId, int fileId, string fileUrl, string fileName, bool displayInline ) : int
AddPostRating ( int postId, int userId, int rating, bool helpful, string comments, string ipAddress, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int

Adds a post rating (for a specific user and post) row to the data store.

AddRank ( int portalId, int moduleId, string rankName, int minPosts, int maxPosts, string display, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddSetting ( string description, bool attachments, bool emoticons, bool html, bool postIcon, bool rss, bool scripts, bool moderated, int autoTrustLevel, int attachMaxCount, int attachMaxSize, bool attachAutoResize, int attachMaxHeight, int attachMaxWidth, int attachStore, string editorType, string editorHeight, string editorWidth, bool filters ) : int
AddSubscription ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId, int subscriptionType, int userId ) : int
AddTopic ( int forumId, int viewCount, int replyCount, int topicTypeId, int lastPostId, string slug ) : int
AddTopicTracking ( int forumId, int topicId, int lastPostId, int userId, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddTracking ( int forumId, int userId, int maxTopicRead, int maxPostRead, System.DateTime lastAccessedOnDate ) : int
AddUrl ( int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, string url, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
AddUser ( int portalId, int userId, int topicCount, int replyCount, int rewardPoints, int answerCount, int questionCount, int trustLevel, string userCaption, System.DateTime lastPostDate, System.DateTime lastActivityDate, bool adminWatch, bool disableAttach, bool disableHtml, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
DeleteFilter ( int filterId, int portalId ) : void
DeleteForum ( int forumId, int moduleId ) : void
DeletePermission ( int permissionId, int portalId ) : void
DeletePoll ( int pollId, int topicId ) : void
DeletePollOption ( int pollOptionId, int pollId ) : void
DeletePollResult ( int pollResultId, int pollId ) : void
DeletePost ( int postId, int topicId ) : void
DeletePostAttachment ( int attachmentId, int postId ) : void
DeletePostRating ( int ratingId, int portalId ) : void

Removes a post rating row from the data store.

DeleteRank ( int rankId, int portalId ) : void
DeleteSetting ( int settingId ) : void
DeleteSubscription ( int subscriptionId, int portalId ) : void
DeleteTopic ( int topicId, int forumId ) : void
DeleteTopicTracking ( int topicTrackingId ) : void
DeleteTracking ( int trackingId ) : void
DeleteUrl ( int id, int portalId ) : void
GetAllFilters ( int portalID, int moduleId, int forumId ) : IDataReader
GetAllSettings ( ) : IDataReader
GetAllUrls ( int portalId ) : IDataReader
GetFilter ( int filterId ) : IDataReader
GetForum ( int forumId ) : IDataReader
GetForumTopics ( int forumId, int pageIndex, int pageSize ) : IDataReader
GetModuleForums ( int moduleId ) : IDataReader
GetModuleRank ( int moduleId ) : IDataReader
GetPermission ( int permissionId ) : IDataReader
GetPollByTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
GetPollOptions ( int pollId ) : IDataReader
GetPollResults ( int pollId ) : IDataReader
GetPortalPermissions ( int portalID ) : IDataReader
GetPost ( int postId ) : IDataReader
GetRank ( int rankId ) : IDataReader
GetSetting ( int settingId ) : IDataReader
GetSubscription ( int subscriptionId ) : IDataReader
GetTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
GetTopicAttachments ( int topicId ) : IDataReader

Retrieves a collection of post attachments assigned to a topic from the data store.

It seems like it would be more efficient to get all post attachments for posts in a single topic. You can then cache this and query via linq (handle in sproc.).

GetTopicPosts ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
GetTopicRatings ( int topicId ) : IDataReader

Retrieves a collection of post ratings assigned to a topic from the data store.

It seems like it would be more efficient to get all post ratings for posts in a single topic. You could then cache this and query via linq (handle in sproc.).

GetTopicTrackingByForum ( int forumId ) : IDataReader
GetTopicTrackingByTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
GetTopicsSubscribers ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId ) : IDataReader
GetUrl ( int id ) : IDataReader
GetUser ( int portalId, int userId ) : IDataReader
GetUsersSubscriptions ( int portalId, int userId ) : IDataReader
GetUsersTrackedForums ( int userId ) : IDataReader
HardDeletePost ( int postId, int topicId ) : void
SaveForum ( int forumId, int portalId, int moduleId, int parentId, bool allowTopics, string name, string description, int sortOrder, bool active, bool hidden, int topicCount, int replyCount, int lastPostId, string slug, int permissionId, int settingId, string emailAddress, float siteMapPriority, int UserId ) : int
UpdateFilter ( int filterId, int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, string find, string replace, string filterType, bool applyOnSave, bool applyOnRender ) : void
UpdatePermission ( int permissionId, string description, int portalId, string canView, string canRead, string canCreate, string canEdit, string canDelete, string canLock, string canPin, string canAttach, string canPoll, string canBlock, string canTrust, string canSubscribe, string canAnnounce, string canTag, string canPrioritize, string canModApprove, string canModMove, string canModSplit, string canModDelete, string canModUser, string canModEdit, string canModLock, string canModPin ) : void
UpdatePoll ( int pollId, int topicId, int userId, string question, string pollType, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdatePollOption ( int pollOptionId, int pollId, string optionName, int priority, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdatePollResult ( int pollResultId, int pollId, int pollOptionId, string response, string ipaddress, int userId, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdatePost ( int postId, int topicId, int parentPostId, string subject, string body, bool isApproved, bool isLocked, bool isPinned, string displayName, string emailAddress, bool postReported, float rating, string postIcon, int statusId, string slug, string postData, System.DateTime approvedOnDate, System.DateTime lastModifiedDate ) : void
UpdatePostAttachment ( int attachmentId, int postId, int fileId, string fileUrl, string fileName, bool displayInline ) : void
UpdatePostRating ( int ratingId, int postId, int userId, int rating, bool helpful, string comments, string ipAddress ) : void

Updates a post rating row in the data store.

UpdateRank ( int rankId, int portalId, int moduleId, string rankName, int minPosts, int maxPosts, string display, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdateSetting ( int settingId, string description, bool attachments, bool emoticons, bool html, bool postIcon, bool rss, bool scripts, bool moderated, int autoTrustLevel, int attachMaxCount, int attachMaxSize, bool attachAutoResize, int attachMaxHeight, int attachMaxWidth, int attachStore, string editorType, string editorHeight, string editorWidth, bool filters ) : void
UpdateSubscription ( int subscriptionId, int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId, int subscriptionType, int userId ) : void
UpdateTopic ( int topicId, int forumId, int viewCount, int replyCount, int topicTypeId, int lastPostId, string slug, int contentItemId ) : void
UpdateTopicTracking ( int topicTrackingId, int forumId, int topicId, int lastPostId, int userId, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdateTracking ( int trackingId, int forumId, int userId, int maxTopicRead, int maxPostRead, System.DateTime lastAccessedOnDate ) : void
UpdateUrl ( int id, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, string url, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
UpdateUser ( int portalId, int userId, int topicCount, int replyCount, int rewardPoints, int answerCount, int questionCount, int trustLevel, string userCaption, System.DateTime lastPostDate, System.DateTime lastActivityDate, bool adminWatch, bool disableAttach, bool disableHtml, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
GetFullyQualifiedName ( string name ) : string
GetNull ( object field ) : object

Method Details

AddFilter() public méthode

public AddFilter ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, string find, string replace, string filterType, bool applyOnSave, bool applyOnRender ) : int
portalId int
moduleId int
forumId int
find string
replace string
filterType string
applyOnSave bool
applyOnRender bool
Résultat int

AddPermission() public méthode

public AddPermission ( string description, int portalId, string canView, string canRead, string canCreate, string canEdit, string canDelete, string canLock, string canPin, string canAttach, string canPoll, string canBlock, string canTrust, string canSubscribe, string canAnnounce, string canTag, string canPrioritize, string canModApprove, string canModMove, string canModSplit, string canModDelete, string canModUser, string canModEdit, string canModLock, string canModPin ) : int
description string
portalId int
canView string
canRead string
canCreate string
canEdit string
canDelete string
canLock string
canPin string
canAttach string
canPoll string
canBlock string
canTrust string
canSubscribe string
canAnnounce string
canTag string
canPrioritize string
canModApprove string
canModMove string
canModSplit string
canModDelete string
canModUser string
canModEdit string
canModLock string
canModPin string
Résultat int

AddPoll() public méthode

public AddPoll ( int topicId, int userId, string question, string pollType, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
topicId int
userId int
question string
pollType string
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddPollOption() public méthode

public AddPollOption ( int pollId, string optionName, int priority, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
pollId int
optionName string
priority int
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddPollResult() public méthode

public AddPollResult ( int pollId, int pollOptionId, string response, string ipaddress, int userId, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
pollId int
pollOptionId int
response string
ipaddress string
userId int
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddPost() public méthode

public AddPost ( int topicId, int parentPostId, string subject, string body, bool isApproved, bool isLocked, bool isPinned, int userId, string displayName, string emailAddress, string ipAddress, bool postReported, float rating, string postIcon, int statusId, string slug, string postData, System.DateTime approvedOnDate, System.DateTime createdDate ) : int
topicId int
parentPostId int
subject string
body string
isApproved bool
isLocked bool
isPinned bool
userId int
displayName string
emailAddress string
ipAddress string
postReported bool
rating float
postIcon string
statusId int
slug string
postData string
approvedOnDate System.DateTime
createdDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddPostAttachment() public méthode

public AddPostAttachment ( int postId, int fileId, string fileUrl, string fileName, bool displayInline ) : int
postId int
fileId int
fileUrl string
fileName string
displayInline bool
Résultat int

AddPostRating() public méthode

Adds a post rating (for a specific user and post) row to the data store.
public AddPostRating ( int postId, int userId, int rating, bool helpful, string comments, string ipAddress, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
postId int
userId int
rating int
helpful bool
comments string
ipAddress string
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddRank() public méthode

public AddRank ( int portalId, int moduleId, string rankName, int minPosts, int maxPosts, string display, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
portalId int
moduleId int
rankName string
minPosts int
maxPosts int
display string
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddSetting() public méthode

public AddSetting ( string description, bool attachments, bool emoticons, bool html, bool postIcon, bool rss, bool scripts, bool moderated, int autoTrustLevel, int attachMaxCount, int attachMaxSize, bool attachAutoResize, int attachMaxHeight, int attachMaxWidth, int attachStore, string editorType, string editorHeight, string editorWidth, bool filters ) : int
description string
attachments bool
emoticons bool
html bool
postIcon bool
rss bool
scripts bool
moderated bool
autoTrustLevel int
attachMaxCount int
attachMaxSize int
attachAutoResize bool
attachMaxHeight int
attachMaxWidth int
attachStore int
editorType string
editorHeight string
editorWidth string
filters bool
Résultat int

AddSubscription() public méthode

public AddSubscription ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId, int subscriptionType, int userId ) : int
portalId int
moduleId int
forumId int
topicId int
subscriptionType int
userId int
Résultat int

AddTopic() public méthode

public AddTopic ( int forumId, int viewCount, int replyCount, int topicTypeId, int lastPostId, string slug ) : int
forumId int
viewCount int
replyCount int
topicTypeId int
lastPostId int
slug string
Résultat int

AddTopicTracking() public méthode

public AddTopicTracking ( int forumId, int topicId, int lastPostId, int userId, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
forumId int
topicId int
lastPostId int
userId int
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddTracking() public méthode

public AddTracking ( int forumId, int userId, int maxTopicRead, int maxPostRead, System.DateTime lastAccessedOnDate ) : int
forumId int
userId int
maxTopicRead int
maxPostRead int
lastAccessedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddUrl() public méthode

public AddUrl ( int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, string url, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
portalId int
forumId int
topicId int
url string
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

AddUser() public méthode

public AddUser ( int portalId, int userId, int topicCount, int replyCount, int rewardPoints, int answerCount, int questionCount, int trustLevel, string userCaption, System.DateTime lastPostDate, System.DateTime lastActivityDate, bool adminWatch, bool disableAttach, bool disableHtml, System.DateTime createdOnDate ) : int
portalId int
userId int
topicCount int
replyCount int
rewardPoints int
answerCount int
questionCount int
trustLevel int
userCaption string
lastPostDate System.DateTime
lastActivityDate System.DateTime
adminWatch bool
disableAttach bool
disableHtml bool
createdOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat int

DeleteFilter() public méthode

public DeleteFilter ( int filterId, int portalId ) : void
filterId int
portalId int
Résultat void

DeleteForum() public méthode

public DeleteForum ( int forumId, int moduleId ) : void
forumId int
moduleId int
Résultat void

DeletePermission() public méthode

public DeletePermission ( int permissionId, int portalId ) : void
permissionId int
portalId int
Résultat void

DeletePoll() public méthode

public DeletePoll ( int pollId, int topicId ) : void
pollId int
topicId int
Résultat void

DeletePollOption() public méthode

public DeletePollOption ( int pollOptionId, int pollId ) : void
pollOptionId int
pollId int
Résultat void

DeletePollResult() public méthode

public DeletePollResult ( int pollResultId, int pollId ) : void
pollResultId int
pollId int
Résultat void

DeletePost() public méthode

public DeletePost ( int postId, int topicId ) : void
postId int
topicId int
Résultat void

DeletePostAttachment() public méthode

public DeletePostAttachment ( int attachmentId, int postId ) : void
attachmentId int
postId int
Résultat void

DeletePostRating() public méthode

Removes a post rating row from the data store.
public DeletePostRating ( int ratingId, int portalId ) : void
ratingId int
portalId int
Résultat void

DeleteRank() public méthode

public DeleteRank ( int rankId, int portalId ) : void
rankId int
portalId int
Résultat void

DeleteSetting() public méthode

public DeleteSetting ( int settingId ) : void
settingId int
Résultat void

DeleteSubscription() public méthode

public DeleteSubscription ( int subscriptionId, int portalId ) : void
subscriptionId int
portalId int
Résultat void

DeleteTopic() public méthode

public DeleteTopic ( int topicId, int forumId ) : void
topicId int
forumId int
Résultat void

DeleteTopicTracking() public méthode

public DeleteTopicTracking ( int topicTrackingId ) : void
topicTrackingId int
Résultat void

DeleteTracking() public méthode

public DeleteTracking ( int trackingId ) : void
trackingId int
Résultat void

DeleteUrl() public méthode

public DeleteUrl ( int id, int portalId ) : void
id int
portalId int
Résultat void

GetAllFilters() public méthode

public GetAllFilters ( int portalID, int moduleId, int forumId ) : IDataReader
portalID int
moduleId int
forumId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetAllSettings() public méthode

public GetAllSettings ( ) : IDataReader
Résultat IDataReader

GetAllUrls() public méthode

public GetAllUrls ( int portalId ) : IDataReader
portalId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetFilter() public méthode

public GetFilter ( int filterId ) : IDataReader
filterId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetForum() public méthode

public GetForum ( int forumId ) : IDataReader
forumId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetForumTopics() public méthode

public GetForumTopics ( int forumId, int pageIndex, int pageSize ) : IDataReader
forumId int
pageIndex int
pageSize int
Résultat IDataReader

GetModuleForums() public méthode

public GetModuleForums ( int moduleId ) : IDataReader
moduleId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetModuleRank() public méthode

public GetModuleRank ( int moduleId ) : IDataReader
moduleId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPermission() public méthode

public GetPermission ( int permissionId ) : IDataReader
permissionId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPollByTopic() public méthode

public GetPollByTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPollOptions() public méthode

public GetPollOptions ( int pollId ) : IDataReader
pollId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPollResults() public méthode

public GetPollResults ( int pollId ) : IDataReader
pollId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPortalPermissions() public méthode

public GetPortalPermissions ( int portalID ) : IDataReader
portalID int
Résultat IDataReader

GetPost() public méthode

public GetPost ( int postId ) : IDataReader
postId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetRank() public méthode

public GetRank ( int rankId ) : IDataReader
rankId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetSetting() public méthode

public GetSetting ( int settingId ) : IDataReader
settingId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetSubscription() public méthode

public GetSubscription ( int subscriptionId ) : IDataReader
subscriptionId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopic() public méthode

public GetTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicAttachments() public méthode

Retrieves a collection of post attachments assigned to a topic from the data store.
It seems like it would be more efficient to get all post attachments for posts in a single topic. You can then cache this and query via linq (handle in sproc.).
public GetTopicAttachments ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicPosts() public méthode

public GetTopicPosts ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicRatings() public méthode

Retrieves a collection of post ratings assigned to a topic from the data store.
It seems like it would be more efficient to get all post ratings for posts in a single topic. You could then cache this and query via linq (handle in sproc.).
public GetTopicRatings ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicTrackingByForum() public méthode

public GetTopicTrackingByForum ( int forumId ) : IDataReader
forumId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicTrackingByTopic() public méthode

public GetTopicTrackingByTopic ( int topicId ) : IDataReader
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetTopicsSubscribers() public méthode

public GetTopicsSubscribers ( int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId ) : IDataReader
portalId int
moduleId int
forumId int
topicId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetUrl() public méthode

public GetUrl ( int id ) : IDataReader
id int
Résultat IDataReader

GetUser() public méthode

public GetUser ( int portalId, int userId ) : IDataReader
portalId int
userId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetUsersSubscriptions() public méthode

public GetUsersSubscriptions ( int portalId, int userId ) : IDataReader
portalId int
userId int
Résultat IDataReader

GetUsersTrackedForums() public méthode

public GetUsersTrackedForums ( int userId ) : IDataReader
userId int
Résultat IDataReader

HardDeletePost() public méthode

public HardDeletePost ( int postId, int topicId ) : void
postId int
topicId int
Résultat void

SaveForum() public méthode

public SaveForum ( int forumId, int portalId, int moduleId, int parentId, bool allowTopics, string name, string description, int sortOrder, bool active, bool hidden, int topicCount, int replyCount, int lastPostId, string slug, int permissionId, int settingId, string emailAddress, float siteMapPriority, int UserId ) : int
forumId int
portalId int
moduleId int
parentId int
allowTopics bool
name string
description string
sortOrder int
active bool
hidden bool
topicCount int
replyCount int
lastPostId int
slug string
permissionId int
settingId int
emailAddress string
siteMapPriority float
UserId int
Résultat int

UpdateFilter() public méthode

public UpdateFilter ( int filterId, int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, string find, string replace, string filterType, bool applyOnSave, bool applyOnRender ) : void
filterId int
portalId int
moduleId int
forumId int
find string
replace string
filterType string
applyOnSave bool
applyOnRender bool
Résultat void

UpdatePermission() public méthode

public UpdatePermission ( int permissionId, string description, int portalId, string canView, string canRead, string canCreate, string canEdit, string canDelete, string canLock, string canPin, string canAttach, string canPoll, string canBlock, string canTrust, string canSubscribe, string canAnnounce, string canTag, string canPrioritize, string canModApprove, string canModMove, string canModSplit, string canModDelete, string canModUser, string canModEdit, string canModLock, string canModPin ) : void
permissionId int
description string
portalId int
canView string
canRead string
canCreate string
canEdit string
canDelete string
canLock string
canPin string
canAttach string
canPoll string
canBlock string
canTrust string
canSubscribe string
canAnnounce string
canTag string
canPrioritize string
canModApprove string
canModMove string
canModSplit string
canModDelete string
canModUser string
canModEdit string
canModLock string
canModPin string
Résultat void

UpdatePoll() public méthode

public UpdatePoll ( int pollId, int topicId, int userId, string question, string pollType, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
pollId int
topicId int
userId int
question string
pollType string
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdatePollOption() public méthode

public UpdatePollOption ( int pollOptionId, int pollId, string optionName, int priority, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
pollOptionId int
pollId int
optionName string
priority int
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdatePollResult() public méthode

public UpdatePollResult ( int pollResultId, int pollId, int pollOptionId, string response, string ipaddress, int userId, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
pollResultId int
pollId int
pollOptionId int
response string
ipaddress string
userId int
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdatePost() public méthode

public UpdatePost ( int postId, int topicId, int parentPostId, string subject, string body, bool isApproved, bool isLocked, bool isPinned, string displayName, string emailAddress, bool postReported, float rating, string postIcon, int statusId, string slug, string postData, System.DateTime approvedOnDate, System.DateTime lastModifiedDate ) : void
postId int
topicId int
parentPostId int
subject string
body string
isApproved bool
isLocked bool
isPinned bool
displayName string
emailAddress string
postReported bool
rating float
postIcon string
statusId int
slug string
postData string
approvedOnDate System.DateTime
lastModifiedDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdatePostAttachment() public méthode

public UpdatePostAttachment ( int attachmentId, int postId, int fileId, string fileUrl, string fileName, bool displayInline ) : void
attachmentId int
postId int
fileId int
fileUrl string
fileName string
displayInline bool
Résultat void

UpdatePostRating() public méthode

Updates a post rating row in the data store.
public UpdatePostRating ( int ratingId, int postId, int userId, int rating, bool helpful, string comments, string ipAddress ) : void
ratingId int
postId int
userId int
rating int
helpful bool
comments string
ipAddress string
Résultat void

UpdateRank() public méthode

public UpdateRank ( int rankId, int portalId, int moduleId, string rankName, int minPosts, int maxPosts, string display, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
rankId int
portalId int
moduleId int
rankName string
minPosts int
maxPosts int
display string
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdateSetting() public méthode

public UpdateSetting ( int settingId, string description, bool attachments, bool emoticons, bool html, bool postIcon, bool rss, bool scripts, bool moderated, int autoTrustLevel, int attachMaxCount, int attachMaxSize, bool attachAutoResize, int attachMaxHeight, int attachMaxWidth, int attachStore, string editorType, string editorHeight, string editorWidth, bool filters ) : void
settingId int
description string
attachments bool
emoticons bool
html bool
postIcon bool
rss bool
scripts bool
moderated bool
autoTrustLevel int
attachMaxCount int
attachMaxSize int
attachAutoResize bool
attachMaxHeight int
attachMaxWidth int
attachStore int
editorType string
editorHeight string
editorWidth string
filters bool
Résultat void

UpdateSubscription() public méthode

public UpdateSubscription ( int subscriptionId, int portalId, int moduleId, int forumId, int topicId, int subscriptionType, int userId ) : void
subscriptionId int
portalId int
moduleId int
forumId int
topicId int
subscriptionType int
userId int
Résultat void

UpdateTopic() public méthode

public UpdateTopic ( int topicId, int forumId, int viewCount, int replyCount, int topicTypeId, int lastPostId, string slug, int contentItemId ) : void
topicId int
forumId int
viewCount int
replyCount int
topicTypeId int
lastPostId int
slug string
contentItemId int
Résultat void

UpdateTopicTracking() public méthode

public UpdateTopicTracking ( int topicTrackingId, int forumId, int topicId, int lastPostId, int userId, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
topicTrackingId int
forumId int
topicId int
lastPostId int
userId int
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdateTracking() public méthode

public UpdateTracking ( int trackingId, int forumId, int userId, int maxTopicRead, int maxPostRead, System.DateTime lastAccessedOnDate ) : void
trackingId int
forumId int
userId int
maxTopicRead int
maxPostRead int
lastAccessedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdateUrl() public méthode

public UpdateUrl ( int id, int portalId, int forumId, int topicId, string url, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
id int
portalId int
forumId int
topicId int
url string
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void

UpdateUser() public méthode

public UpdateUser ( int portalId, int userId, int topicCount, int replyCount, int rewardPoints, int answerCount, int questionCount, int trustLevel, string userCaption, System.DateTime lastPostDate, System.DateTime lastActivityDate, bool adminWatch, bool disableAttach, bool disableHtml, System.DateTime lastModifiedOnDate ) : void
portalId int
userId int
topicCount int
replyCount int
rewardPoints int
answerCount int
questionCount int
trustLevel int
userCaption string
lastPostDate System.DateTime
lastActivityDate System.DateTime
adminWatch bool
disableAttach bool
disableHtml bool
lastModifiedOnDate System.DateTime
Résultat void