C# Class DataDictionary.Rules.InsertInListChange

Handles the insertion of a new element in a list. This is done differently from the other changes to allows several insertions in the same list to occur in the same processing cycle.
Inheritance: DataDictionary.Rules.Change
Afficher le fichier Open project: ERTMSSolutions/ERTMSFormalSpecs

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Apply ( DataDictionary.Tests.Runner.Runner runner ) : void

Applies the change

CheckChange ( ModelElement element ) : bool

Checks that the change is valid

CheckForCompatibility ( ) : bool

Indicates that this change should be compatible with all the other changes applied during the same execution cycle. Compatibility is defined by the fact that two changes should update the same variable with the same value.

InsertInListChange ( DataDictionary.Interpreter.InterpretationContext context, InsertStatement statement, IVariable variable, ExplanationPart explanation ) : System.Threading


Method Details

Apply() public méthode

Applies the change
public Apply ( DataDictionary.Tests.Runner.Runner runner ) : void
runner DataDictionary.Tests.Runner.Runner
Résultat void

CheckChange() public méthode

Checks that the change is valid
public CheckChange ( ModelElement element ) : bool
element ModelElement
Résultat bool

CheckForCompatibility() public méthode

Indicates that this change should be compatible with all the other changes applied during the same execution cycle. Compatibility is defined by the fact that two changes should update the same variable with the same value.
public CheckForCompatibility ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

InsertInListChange() public méthode

public InsertInListChange ( DataDictionary.Interpreter.InterpretationContext context, InsertStatement statement, IVariable variable, ExplanationPart explanation ) : System.Threading
context DataDictionary.Interpreter.InterpretationContext
statement DataDictionary.Interpreter.Statement.InsertStatement
variable IVariable
explanation DataDictionary.Interpreter.ExplanationPart
Résultat System.Threading