C# Class DCL.DebugConfig

Afficher le fichier Open project: decentraland/unity-renderer Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
ignoreGlobalScenes bool
msgStepByStep bool
soloScene bool
soloSceneCoords Vector2Int

Property Details

ignoreGlobalScenes public_oe property

Do not send global scenes messages (i.e. avatars)
public bool ignoreGlobalScenes
Résultat bool

msgStepByStep public_oe property

do Debug.Break() and log when processing each message
public bool msgStepByStep
Résultat bool

soloScene public_oe property

If enabled, filters all scene messages that are not soloSceneCoords
public bool soloScene
Résultat bool

soloSceneCoords public_oe property

Used in conjunction with soloScene
public Vector2Int soloSceneCoords
Résultat Vector2Int