C# Class DBreeze.DBreezeEngine

Main DBreeze Database class.
Inheritance: IDisposable
Afficher le fichier Open project: hhblaze/DBreeze Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
BackgroundTasksExternalNotifier object>.Action

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DBreezeEngine ( DBreezeConfiguration dbreezeConfiguration ) : System

Dbreeze instantiator

DBreezeEngine ( string DBreezeDataFolderName ) : System

Dispose ( ) : void


GetTransaction ( ) : Transaction

Returns transaction object.

GetTransaction ( eTransactionTablesLockTypes tablesLockType ) : Transaction

Returns transaction object.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
BackgroundNotify ( string noti, object obj ) : void

Notifier about background events.

ConstructFromConfiguration ( DBreezeConfiguration dbreezeConfiguration ) : void

Constructing Dbreeze from dbreezeConfiguration

DBreezeEngine ( ) : System

For DbreezeRemoteEngine wrapper

InitDb ( ) : void


Method Details

DBreezeEngine() public méthode

Dbreeze instantiator
public DBreezeEngine ( DBreezeConfiguration dbreezeConfiguration ) : System
dbreezeConfiguration DBreezeConfiguration
Résultat System

DBreezeEngine() public méthode

public DBreezeEngine ( string DBreezeDataFolderName ) : System
DBreezeDataFolderName string
Résultat System

Dispose() public méthode

public Dispose ( ) : void
Résultat void

GetTransaction() public méthode

Returns transaction object.
public GetTransaction ( ) : Transaction
Résultat Transaction

GetTransaction() public méthode

Returns transaction object.
public GetTransaction ( eTransactionTablesLockTypes tablesLockType ) : Transaction
tablesLockType eTransactionTablesLockTypes /// SHARED: threads can use listed tables in parallel. Must be used together with tran.SynchronizeTables command, if necessary. /// EXCLUSIVE: if other threads use listed tables for reading or writing, current thread will be in a waiting queue. ///
Résultat Transaction

Property Details

BackgroundTasksExternalNotifier public_oe property

DBreeze may execute some tasks in the background (like deffered text indexing). External delegate can receive notifications about that.
public Action BackgroundTasksExternalNotifier
Résultat object>.Action