C# Class Core2D.Renderer.ShapeRenderer

Native shape renderer base class.
Inheritance: ObservableObject
Afficher le fichier Open project: Core2D/Core2D Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ClearCache ( bool isZooming ) : void

Clears renderer cache.

Draw ( object dc, XArc arc, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XArc shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XContainer container, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XContainer using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XCubicBezier cubicBezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XCubicBezier shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XEllipse ellipse, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XEllipse shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XImage image, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XImage shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XLayer layer, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XLayer using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XLine line, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XLine shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XPath path, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XPath shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XQuadraticBezier quadraticBezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XQuadraticBezier shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XRectangle rectangle, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XRectangle shape using drawing context.

Draw ( object dc, XText text, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void

Draws a XText shape using drawing context.

Fill ( object dc, double x, double y, double width, double height, ArgbColor color ) : void

Fills rectangle with specified color using drawing context.

Method Details

ClearCache() public méthode

Clears renderer cache.
public ClearCache ( bool isZooming ) : void
isZooming bool The flag indicating zooming state.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XArc shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XArc arc, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
arc Core2D.Shapes.XArc The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public méthode

Draws a XContainer using drawing context.
public Draw ( object dc, XContainer container, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
container Core2D.Project.XContainer The object.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XCubicBezier shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XCubicBezier cubicBezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
cubicBezier Core2D.Shapes.XCubicBezier The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XEllipse shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XEllipse ellipse, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
ellipse Core2D.Shapes.XEllipse The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XImage shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XImage image, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
image Core2D.Shapes.XImage The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public méthode

Draws a XLayer using drawing context.
public Draw ( object dc, XLayer layer, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
layer Core2D.Project.XLayer The object.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XLine shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XLine line, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
line Core2D.Shapes.XLine The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XPath shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XPath path, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
path Core2D.Shapes.XPath The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XQuadraticBezier shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XQuadraticBezier quadraticBezier, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
quadraticBezier Core2D.Shapes.XQuadraticBezier The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XRectangle shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XRectangle rectangle, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
rectangle Core2D.Shapes.XRectangle The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Draw() public abstract méthode

Draws a XText shape using drawing context.
public abstract Draw ( object dc, XText text, double dx, double dy, ImmutableArray db, XRecord r ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
text Core2D.Shapes.XText The shape.
dx double The X coordinate offset.
dy double The Y coordinate offset.
db ImmutableArray The properties database.
r Core2D.Data.Database.XRecord The data record.
Résultat void

Fill() public abstract méthode

Fills rectangle with specified color using drawing context.
public abstract Fill ( object dc, double x, double y, double width, double height, ArgbColor color ) : void
dc object The native drawing context.
x double The X coordinate of rectangle origin point.
y double The Y coordinate of rectangle origin point.
width double The width of rectangle.
height double The height of rectangle.
color Core2D.Style.ArgbColor The fill color.
Résultat void