C# Class ConEmu.WinForms.ConEmuStartInfo

Describes the parameters for running the console process in the console emulator, including the command line to run.
Afficher le fichier Open project: Maximus5/conemu-inside Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Свойство Type Description
AssertNotUsedUp void
EnumEnv IEnumerable
GetEnv string
InitConEmuLocation string
MarkAsUsedUp void
TryDeriveConEmuConsoleExtenderExecutablePath string
TryDeriveConEmuConsoleServerExecutablePath string

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ConEmuStartInfo ( ) : System

Creates a new object with all the parameters in their default values.

The console emulator will run the default CMD shell with such an empty object.

ConEmuStartInfo ( [ sConsoleProcessCommandLine ) : System

Creates a new object and defines the command line for the console process to be run in the console emulator, ConsoleProcessCommandLine.

SetEnv ( [ name, [ value ) : void

Sets the startup environment variable for the console process, before it is started.

This cannot be used to change the environment variables of a running console process.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AssertNotUsedUp ( ) : void
EnumEnv ( ) : IEnumerable
GetEnv ( [ name ) : string
InitConEmuLocation ( ) : string
MarkAsUsedUp ( ) : void

Marks this instance as used-up and prevens further modifications.

TryDeriveConEmuConsoleExtenderExecutablePath ( [ sConEmuPath ) : string
TryDeriveConEmuConsoleServerExecutablePath ( [ sConEmuPath ) : string

Method Details

ConEmuStartInfo() public méthode

Creates a new object with all the parameters in their default values.

The console emulator will run the default CMD shell with such an empty object.

public ConEmuStartInfo ( ) : System
Résultat System

ConEmuStartInfo() public méthode

Creates a new object and defines the command line for the console process to be run in the console emulator, ConsoleProcessCommandLine.
public ConEmuStartInfo ( [ sConsoleProcessCommandLine ) : System
sConsoleProcessCommandLine [ Value for .
Résultat System

SetEnv() public méthode

Sets the startup environment variable for the console process, before it is started.

This cannot be used to change the environment variables of a running console process.

public SetEnv ( [ name, [ value ) : void
name [ Environment variable name, case-insensitive.
value [ Environment variable value, or NULL to remove this environment variable.
Résultat void