C# Class CinderellaLauncher.SQL_Queries

Afficher le fichier Open project: ThomasMoreCollege/CinderellaMGS Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddGodmotherShift ( string fairyGodmotherID, string shiftID, string roleID ) : void

Adds a godmother to a shift.

AllSeamstresses ( ) : string

Retrieves all FG's that are seamstresses

CheckInSearch ( string fname, string lname, string organization ) : string

Used with text box inputs to parse the data, returning results for the check-in list.

CheckOutSearch ( string fname, string lname, string organization ) : string

Search for Check Out Form. Used in populating the DGV according to search parameters

CinderellaCurrentStatus ( int id ) : int

Gives a cinderella's current status

CinderellaHistory ( int cinID ) : string
Cinderellas ( int currentStatus ) : string

Finds cinderellas with a certain status

Cinderellas ( int currentStatus1, int currentStatus2 ) : string

Finds Cinderellas that have a currentStatus between two options

CinderellasInAlteration ( ) : string

displays the cinderellas that are currently in alterations (status of 6) and their end time of their alterations is null, indicating that the dress has not been completed in alterations. (currently being worked on or if more time is needed.)

CinderellasList ( int count, int currentStatus ) : string

Finds cinderellas with a certain status and displays the top number of them

CinderellasUndoList ( ) : string

Used to show cinderellas that are waiting or paired. Used for when we have to undo the Cinderella's check-in because of accidental check-in

CindyBracelet ( int fgID ) : string
CindyDressColor ( int fgID ) : string
CindyDressSize ( int fgID ) : int
CindyEarrings ( int fgID ) : string
CindyHeadpiece ( int fgID ) : string
CindyNecklace ( int fgID ) : string
CindyRing ( int fgID ) : string
CindyShoeColor ( int fgID ) : string
CindyShoeSize ( int fgID ) : string
DressesNotFinished ( ) : string
EndShift ( ) : void
FGCurrentStatus ( int id ) : int

Gives a FG's current status

FGLeavesCinderella ( int cinID ) : void

Sets the Cinderella's FairyGodmother to be unavailable if the Cinderella is the last known paired Cinderella for the FairyGodmother and the FairyGodmother is currently shopping

FGMaxID ( ) : string
FGQuickSearch ( int fgID ) : string
FGcount ( ) : string
FairyGodmotherHistory ( int fgID ) : string
MasterSearch ( string cinFirstName, string cinLastName, string cinOrganization, string FGFirstName, string FGLastName, int SeamstressID, int hadAlterations, string dressColor, int maxDressSize, int minDressSize, bool hasShoes, string shoeColor, double maxShoeSize, double minShoeSize, int ring, int headpiece, int bracelet, int earring, int necklace ) : string

Used to search for anything needed in the program.

MaxID ( ) : string
NewCinderella ( string fname, string lname, string date, string time, int referralID ) : string

Inserts into the Cinderella Table the new Cinderella to be added

NewGodMother ( string fname, string lname, string address, string city, string emailAddress, string phoneNumber, string state, string zip ) : string

Adds a new Godmother to the database. Since the godmother id's are automatically assigned this method will return their ID so that you can use that in the rest of the program logic like adding the godmother to shifts.

NumberOfCinderellasHelped ( ) : int

Used to find the number of cinderellas that have gone through. (based on the number that have been paired

NumberOfCinderellasHelpedByFG ( ) : string

USed to find the number of cinderellas that have been helped by a certain FG

NumberOfDressesAlteredByFG ( ) : string

Used to find the number of dresses a fairy godmother has altered

NumberOfDressesTakenByColor ( string color ) : int

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain color

NumberOfDressesTakenByColorAndSize ( string color, int size ) : int

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain color and size

NumberOfDressesTakenBySize ( int size ) : int

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain size

NumberOfFGsByShift ( int shift ) : int

Used to find the number of FG's that worked a certain shift

NumberOfFGsByShiftAndRole ( int shift, int role ) : int

Used to find the number of FG's that worked a certain shift with a certain role

PackageBracelet ( int id ) : bool

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageCheckOutNotes ( int id ) : string

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageEarrings ( int id ) : bool

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageHeadpiece ( int id ) : bool

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageNecklace ( int id ) : bool

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageOther ( int id ) : string

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageRing ( int id ) : bool

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageShoeColor ( int id ) : string

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PackageShoeSize ( int id ) : double

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

PairedPersonalShoppers ( int cinderellaID ) : string

finds fairy godmother's ID# that are paired w/ a cinderella

PersonalShoppers ( int currentStatus ) : string

returns FG's that are personal shoppers and have the specified current status

PersonalShoppers ( int currentStatus1, int currentStatus2 ) : string

Finds Personal shoppers that have a currentStatus between two options

PersonalShoppersList ( int count, int currentStatus ) : string

Returns a certain number of Personal Shoppers w/ a specified status

PrintCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
PrintFGIDGrid ( ) : string
PrintFGName ( string ID ) : string
PrintFirstCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
PrintFirstFGName ( string ID ) : string
PrintIDGrid ( ) : string
PrintLastCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
PrintLastFGName ( string ID ) : string
RetrievedDress ( int cinID ) : void

Tells the DB that the cinderella got the dress back from alterations

SQL_Queries ( ) : System
ShiftWorkerRole ( int fgID, int shiftID ) : int
addAlterations ( string cindID ) : void

Adds a Cinderella into Alterations

addCinderellaAndReferral ( string refName, string refOrg, string cindFirstName, string cindLastName, string apptDate, string apptTime, string notes ) : void

Adds a Cinderella and new referral to respective tables

addUser ( string loginName, string password, string firstName, string lastName, int roleID ) : void
alterationCompleted ( ) : string

Views cinderellas that have been completely through alterations

checkAlterations ( string id ) : string

USed to check if a Cinderella is in Alterations

checkInList ( ) : string

Query for retrieving Cinderella's with a status of 'Pending' (Approved to come to Cinderella's Closet but not yet checked in)

checkOutList ( ) : string
checkOutList ( int count ) : string

Displays the list of Cinderellas that are ready for checkout. (They are shopping or are in alterations).

checkOutUpdate ( int cinderellaID, int dressSize, string dressColor ) : void
checkOutUpdate ( int cinderellaID, int dressSize, string dressColor, double shoeSize, string shoeColor, string checkoutNotes, bool necklace, bool ring, bool bracelet, bool headpiece, bool earrings, string other ) : void

Updates a cinderella's package with all necesary information

checkedOutCinderellas ( ) : string
cinderellaCheckIn ( ) : DataSet
clearCinderellaFairyGodmotherID ( int id ) : void
count ( ) : string
deleteCinderellas ( ) : void

Deletes everything from Cinderellas table

deleteFGs ( ) : void

Deletes everything from FG table

dressColor ( int id ) : string

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

dressSize ( int id ) : int

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'

dressesDone ( ) : string

Returns the data for the DGV for Cinderellas dresses that are done in Alterations.

fairyGodmotherCheckIn ( ) : string
fgList ( ) : string

USed to find all info on FG's

fgListCheckedIn ( ) : string

USed to find FG's that are checked in

fgListRole ( string roleID ) : string

Used to find FG's with a certain role

fgListRoleCheckedIn ( string roleID ) : string

Used to find FG's that have a certain role and are 'Available'

fgListRoleManagement ( int roleID ) : string

Used to find a FG that is paired with a Cinderella and has a certain role id

fgListRoleManagement ( string roleID ) : string

Used to find FG & Cinderella's first and last names that are paired.

fgListRoleManagement ( string roleID, int currentStatus ) : string

USed to find a FG that has a certain role and status

fgListShort ( ) : string

Used tp find basic FG info

fgListStatus ( string status ) : string

Used to find info on all FG's according to their status

fgListStatus ( string status, string shift ) : string

used to find all info on FG's according to their status and shift

fglistSearch ( string fname, string lname ) : string
fglistSearch ( string fname, string lname, int currentStatus ) : string

USed to search the FG list

getCinderellaPaired ( int id ) : string

Used to find a Cinderella's id that is paired with a certain FG

getCinderellaStatus ( int id ) : string
getCindyIDFomFG ( int idFG ) : int
getCurrentlyShopping ( ) : DataSet

Retrieves a dataset of those who are currently shopping.

getDate ( ) : string

Retrieves the current date and time from the database server.

getDressInfo ( string id ) : string
getFGShiftInfo ( string fgID ) : string

Used to find what shift and role a FG has when they work

getFGStatus ( string fgID ) : string
getFgPaired ( int id ) : string

Used to find the FG that is paired with a Cinderella

getMaxCinderellaID ( ) : string

getPackageInfo ( string id ) : string

Returns all data from Package table for a certain Cinderella

getReferrals ( ) : string

Used to retrieve the list of referrals

getSetting ( string settingName ) : string
getTime ( int id ) : string
newFGShiftWorker ( string firstName, string lastName, int shiftID, int roleID ) : void

Used to add a FG to a shift

pairCinderella ( int cinderellaID, int fg_id ) : void

Used to manually pair a cinderella

resetDB ( ) : void

Soft reset of the Database

setCinderellaStatus ( string ID, int status ) : void

Sets the status of a cinderella or godmother.

setDefaultSetting ( string settingName, string defaultValue ) : void
setFGStatus ( string ID, int status ) : void
setFGStatusScan ( string ID, int status, int shift ) : void

Used to set a FG to a certain status (Available, Unavailable, Paired, Shopping)

setSettingValue ( string settingName, string settingValue ) : void
showFairyGodmothers ( int shift, int status ) : string
sqlSelect ( string keyword ) : DataSet

This method houses all of the basic "Select" statements.

sqlStatment ( string mysql ) : int

Will execute a non-query sql statment.

statusList ( int statusID ) : string

Used to get a cinderella's status, along with their name and their FG's name

undoCinderellaPairFromFGID ( int fgID ) : void

Used to undo a FG's pairing with a cinderella

undoCinderellaStatus ( int id, int status ) : void

Undos the status change of the given status for the Cinderella if that status is the last known status

The CinDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus

undoCinderellaUntilThisStatus ( int cinID, int status ) : void

Undos the status changes until the given status for the Cinderella

The CinDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus

undoFGPairFromCinderellaID ( int cinID ) : void

Used to undo a Cinderella's pairing with a FG

undoFGStatus ( int id, int status ) : void

Undos the status changes of the given status for the FairyGodmother fi that status is the last known status

The FGDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus

undoFGUntilThisStatus ( int fgID, int status ) : void

Undos the status changes until the given status for the FairyGodmother

The FGDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus

updateAlterations ( string cindID, string notes, int straps, int darts, int zipper, int mending, int takeIn, int bust, int hem, string fgID ) : void

Used to give alterations to a Cinderella

updateAlterationsNotFinished ( string cindID, string notes, int straps, int darts, int zipper, int mending, int takeIn, int bust, int hem, string fgID ) : void

used to give alterations to a Cinderella (This is used when their alterations will not be completed onsite)

updateCinderella ( int id, string firstName, string lastName, string date, string time ) : string

Used to update a cinderella's information. This is used if the Cinderella's information was incorrect and needed to be fixed, or if the appointment time and date needs to be changed

updateCinderellaAppt ( int id ) : void

Used to change a cinderella's appointment time when the current date and time button is clicked

updateCinderellaAppt ( int id, string date, string time ) : void

Used to change a cinderella's appointment time when a manually entered date and time are needed

updateFairyGodmother ( string fgID, string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, string phoneNumber, string city, string state, string zip, string address ) : string

Updates FG's info

validateLogin ( string username, string password ) : int

Used to validate the login of a user

Private Methods

Méthode Description
MasterCheckOutSearchBox ( string item ) : string
MasterSearchBox ( string item ) : string

Method Details

AddGodmotherShift() public méthode

Adds a godmother to a shift.
public AddGodmotherShift ( string fairyGodmotherID, string shiftID, string roleID ) : void
fairyGodmotherID string
shiftID string
roleID string
Résultat void

AllSeamstresses() public méthode

Retrieves all FG's that are seamstresses
public AllSeamstresses ( ) : string
Résultat string

CheckInSearch() public méthode

Used with text box inputs to parse the data, returning results for the check-in list.
public CheckInSearch ( string fname, string lname, string organization ) : string
fname string Cinderella's First Name
lname string Cinderella's Last Name
organization string Cinderella's Referrat Organization
Résultat string

CheckOutSearch() public méthode

Search for Check Out Form. Used in populating the DGV according to search parameters
public CheckOutSearch ( string fname, string lname, string organization ) : string
fname string Cinderella First Name
lname string Cinderella Last Name
organization string Cinderella's Organization (pulled from Referral table in DB according to a Cinderella's referralID)
Résultat string

CinderellaCurrentStatus() public méthode

Gives a cinderella's current status
public CinderellaCurrentStatus ( int id ) : int
id int Cinderella's current ID#
Résultat int

CinderellaHistory() public méthode

public CinderellaHistory ( int cinID ) : string
cinID int
Résultat string

Cinderellas() public méthode

Finds cinderellas with a certain status
public Cinderellas ( int currentStatus ) : string
currentStatus int cinderella's current statud desired
Résultat string

Cinderellas() public méthode

Finds Cinderellas that have a currentStatus between two options
public Cinderellas ( int currentStatus1, int currentStatus2 ) : string
currentStatus1 int one status #
currentStatus2 int the other status #
Résultat string

CinderellasInAlteration() public méthode

displays the cinderellas that are currently in alterations (status of 6) and their end time of their alterations is null, indicating that the dress has not been completed in alterations. (currently being worked on or if more time is needed.)
public CinderellasInAlteration ( ) : string
Résultat string

CinderellasList() public méthode

Finds cinderellas with a certain status and displays the top number of them
public CinderellasList ( int count, int currentStatus ) : string
count int number of cinderellas to display
currentStatus int cinderella's current status desired
Résultat string

CinderellasUndoList() public méthode

Used to show cinderellas that are waiting or paired. Used for when we have to undo the Cinderella's check-in because of accidental check-in
public CinderellasUndoList ( ) : string
Résultat string

CindyBracelet() public méthode

public CindyBracelet ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyDressColor() public méthode

public CindyDressColor ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyDressSize() public méthode

public CindyDressSize ( int fgID ) : int
fgID int
Résultat int

CindyEarrings() public méthode

public CindyEarrings ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyHeadpiece() public méthode

public CindyHeadpiece ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyNecklace() public méthode

public CindyNecklace ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyRing() public méthode

public CindyRing ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyShoeColor() public méthode

public CindyShoeColor ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

CindyShoeSize() public méthode

public CindyShoeSize ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

DressesNotFinished() public méthode

public DressesNotFinished ( ) : string
Résultat string

EndShift() public méthode

public EndShift ( ) : void
Résultat void

FGCurrentStatus() public méthode

Gives a FG's current status
public FGCurrentStatus ( int id ) : int
id int FG ID#
Résultat int

FGLeavesCinderella() public méthode

Sets the Cinderella's FairyGodmother to be unavailable if the Cinderella is the last known paired Cinderella for the FairyGodmother and the FairyGodmother is currently shopping
public FGLeavesCinderella ( int cinID ) : void
cinID int Cinderellas given id
Résultat void

FGMaxID() public méthode

public FGMaxID ( ) : string
Résultat string

FGQuickSearch() public méthode

public FGQuickSearch ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

FGcount() public méthode

public FGcount ( ) : string
Résultat string

FairyGodmotherHistory() public méthode

public FairyGodmotherHistory ( int fgID ) : string
fgID int
Résultat string

MasterSearch() public méthode

Used to search for anything needed in the program.
public MasterSearch ( string cinFirstName, string cinLastName, string cinOrganization, string FGFirstName, string FGLastName, int SeamstressID, int hadAlterations, string dressColor, int maxDressSize, int minDressSize, bool hasShoes, string shoeColor, double maxShoeSize, double minShoeSize, int ring, int headpiece, int bracelet, int earring, int necklace ) : string
cinFirstName string Cinderellas First Name
cinLastName string Cinderella's Last Name
cinOrganization string Cinderella's Organization
FGFirstName string FG's First Name
FGLastName string FG's last name
SeamstressID int ID# of a seamstress
hadAlterations int int for if a cinderella has had alterations
dressColor string Dress Color
maxDressSize int Maximum Dress Size (int)
minDressSize int minimum Dress Size (int)
hasShoes bool If the cinderella wanted shoes or not
shoeColor string shoe color
maxShoeSize double Maximum Shoe Size (int)
minShoeSize double minimum Shoe Size (int)
ring int Ring int (for bool)
headpiece int headpiece int (for bool)
bracelet int bracelet int (for bool)
earring int earring int (for bool)
necklace int necklace int (for bool)
Résultat string

MaxID() public méthode

public MaxID ( ) : string
Résultat string

NewCinderella() public méthode

Inserts into the Cinderella Table the new Cinderella to be added
public NewCinderella ( string fname, string lname, string date, string time, int referralID ) : string
fname string Cinderellas First Name
lname string Cinderellas Last Name
date string Cinderellas Appt Date
time string Cinderellas Appt Time
referralID int
Résultat string

NewGodMother() public méthode

Adds a new Godmother to the database. Since the godmother id's are automatically assigned this method will return their ID so that you can use that in the rest of the program logic like adding the godmother to shifts.
public NewGodMother ( string fname, string lname, string address, string city, string emailAddress, string phoneNumber, string state, string zip ) : string
fname string Godmothers First Name
lname string Godmothers Last Name
address string
city string
emailAddress string
phoneNumber string
state string
zip string
Résultat string

NumberOfCinderellasHelped() public méthode

Used to find the number of cinderellas that have gone through. (based on the number that have been paired
public NumberOfCinderellasHelped ( ) : int
Résultat int

NumberOfCinderellasHelpedByFG() public méthode

USed to find the number of cinderellas that have been helped by a certain FG
public NumberOfCinderellasHelpedByFG ( ) : string
Résultat string

NumberOfDressesAlteredByFG() public méthode

Used to find the number of dresses a fairy godmother has altered
public NumberOfDressesAlteredByFG ( ) : string
Résultat string

NumberOfDressesTakenByColor() public méthode

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain color
public NumberOfDressesTakenByColor ( string color ) : int
color string The dress color
Résultat int

NumberOfDressesTakenByColorAndSize() public méthode

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain color and size
public NumberOfDressesTakenByColorAndSize ( string color, int size ) : int
color string The dress color
size int The dress size
Résultat int

NumberOfDressesTakenBySize() public méthode

USed to find the number of dresses that have been picked of a certain size
public NumberOfDressesTakenBySize ( int size ) : int
size int The dress size
Résultat int

NumberOfFGsByShift() public méthode

Used to find the number of FG's that worked a certain shift
public NumberOfFGsByShift ( int shift ) : int
shift int the shift #
Résultat int

NumberOfFGsByShiftAndRole() public méthode

Used to find the number of FG's that worked a certain shift with a certain role
public NumberOfFGsByShiftAndRole ( int shift, int role ) : int
shift int the shift #
role int the role number
Résultat int

PackageBracelet() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageBracelet ( int id ) : bool
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat bool

PackageCheckOutNotes() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageCheckOutNotes ( int id ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat string

PackageEarrings() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageEarrings ( int id ) : bool
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat bool

PackageHeadpiece() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageHeadpiece ( int id ) : bool
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat bool

PackageNecklace() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageNecklace ( int id ) : bool
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat bool

PackageOther() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageOther ( int id ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat string

PackageRing() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageRing ( int id ) : bool
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat bool

PackageShoeColor() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageShoeColor ( int id ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat string

PackageShoeSize() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public PackageShoeSize ( int id ) : double
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat double

PairedPersonalShoppers() public méthode

finds fairy godmother's ID# that are paired w/ a cinderella
public PairedPersonalShoppers ( int cinderellaID ) : string
cinderellaID int cinderellas ID#
Résultat string

PersonalShoppers() public méthode

returns FG's that are personal shoppers and have the specified current status
public PersonalShoppers ( int currentStatus ) : string
currentStatus int status #
Résultat string

PersonalShoppers() public méthode

Finds Personal shoppers that have a currentStatus between two options
public PersonalShoppers ( int currentStatus1, int currentStatus2 ) : string
currentStatus1 int one status #
currentStatus2 int the other status #
Résultat string

PersonalShoppersList() public méthode

Returns a certain number of Personal Shoppers w/ a specified status
public PersonalShoppersList ( int count, int currentStatus ) : string
count int number of Fg's to be shown
currentStatus int the desired status #
Résultat string

PrintCinderellaName() public méthode

public PrintCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

PrintFGIDGrid() public méthode

public PrintFGIDGrid ( ) : string
Résultat string

PrintFGName() public méthode

public PrintFGName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

PrintFirstCinderellaName() public méthode

public PrintFirstCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

PrintFirstFGName() public méthode

public PrintFirstFGName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

PrintIDGrid() public méthode

public PrintIDGrid ( ) : string
Résultat string

PrintLastCinderellaName() public méthode

public PrintLastCinderellaName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

PrintLastFGName() public méthode

public PrintLastFGName ( string ID ) : string
ID string
Résultat string

RetrievedDress() public méthode

Tells the DB that the cinderella got the dress back from alterations
public RetrievedDress ( int cinID ) : void
cinID int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat void

SQL_Queries() public méthode

public SQL_Queries ( ) : System
Résultat System

ShiftWorkerRole() public méthode

public ShiftWorkerRole ( int fgID, int shiftID ) : int
fgID int
shiftID int
Résultat int

addAlterations() public méthode

Adds a Cinderella into Alterations
public addAlterations ( string cindID ) : void
cindID string Cinderella's ID#
Résultat void

addCinderellaAndReferral() public méthode

Adds a Cinderella and new referral to respective tables
public addCinderellaAndReferral ( string refName, string refOrg, string cindFirstName, string cindLastName, string apptDate, string apptTime, string notes ) : void
refName string Referral Name
refOrg string Referral Organization
cindFirstName string Cinderella's First Name
cindLastName string Cinderella's Last Name
apptDate string Appointment Date
apptTime string Appointment Time
notes string any notes
Résultat void

addUser() public méthode

public addUser ( string loginName, string password, string firstName, string lastName, int roleID ) : void
loginName string
password string
firstName string
lastName string
roleID int
Résultat void

alterationCompleted() public méthode

Views cinderellas that have been completely through alterations
public alterationCompleted ( ) : string
Résultat string

checkAlterations() public méthode

USed to check if a Cinderella is in Alterations
public checkAlterations ( string id ) : string
id string Cinderella's ID
Résultat string

checkInList() public méthode

Query for retrieving Cinderella's with a status of 'Pending' (Approved to come to Cinderella's Closet but not yet checked in)
public checkInList ( ) : string
Résultat string

checkOutList() public méthode

public checkOutList ( ) : string
Résultat string

checkOutList() public méthode

Displays the list of Cinderellas that are ready for checkout. (They are shopping or are in alterations).
public checkOutList ( int count ) : string
count int Specifies the number of cinderellas to be displayed.
Résultat string

checkOutUpdate() public méthode

public checkOutUpdate ( int cinderellaID, int dressSize, string dressColor ) : void
cinderellaID int
dressSize int
dressColor string
Résultat void

checkOutUpdate() public méthode

Updates a cinderella's package with all necesary information
public checkOutUpdate ( int cinderellaID, int dressSize, string dressColor, double shoeSize, string shoeColor, string checkoutNotes, bool necklace, bool ring, bool bracelet, bool headpiece, bool earrings, string other ) : void
cinderellaID int Cinderella's ID
dressSize int Dress Size
dressColor string Dress Color
shoeSize double Shoe Size
shoeColor string Shoe Color
checkoutNotes string Checkout Notes (Can Be Null)
necklace bool Necklace Bool
ring bool Ring Bool
bracelet bool Bracelet Bool
headpiece bool Headpiece Bool
earrings bool Earrings Bool
other string Other accessories (Can Be Null)
Résultat void

checkedOutCinderellas() public méthode

public checkedOutCinderellas ( ) : string
Résultat string

cinderellaCheckIn() public méthode

public cinderellaCheckIn ( ) : DataSet
Résultat System.Data.DataSet

clearCinderellaFairyGodmotherID() public méthode

public clearCinderellaFairyGodmotherID ( int id ) : void
id int
Résultat void

count() public méthode

public count ( ) : string
Résultat string

deleteCinderellas() public méthode

Deletes everything from Cinderellas table
public deleteCinderellas ( ) : void
Résultat void

deleteFGs() public méthode

Deletes everything from FG table
public deleteFGs ( ) : void
Résultat void

dressColor() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public dressColor ( int id ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat string

dressSize() public méthode

Used when a Cinderella's checkout information is saved, but she is not set as 'Checked Out'
public dressSize ( int id ) : int
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat int

dressesDone() public méthode

Returns the data for the DGV for Cinderellas dresses that are done in Alterations.
public dressesDone ( ) : string
Résultat string

fairyGodmotherCheckIn() public méthode

public fairyGodmotherCheckIn ( ) : string
Résultat string

fgList() public méthode

USed to find all info on FG's
public fgList ( ) : string
Résultat string

fgListCheckedIn() public méthode

USed to find FG's that are checked in
public fgListCheckedIn ( ) : string
Résultat string

fgListRole() public méthode

Used to find FG's with a certain role
public fgListRole ( string roleID ) : string
roleID string Role ID
Résultat string

fgListRoleCheckedIn() public méthode

Used to find FG's that have a certain role and are 'Available'
public fgListRoleCheckedIn ( string roleID ) : string
roleID string Role ID#
Résultat string

fgListRoleManagement() public méthode

Used to find a FG that is paired with a Cinderella and has a certain role id
public fgListRoleManagement ( int roleID ) : string
roleID int Role id
Résultat string

fgListRoleManagement() public méthode

Used to find FG & Cinderella's first and last names that are paired.
public fgListRoleManagement ( string roleID ) : string
roleID string Role ID#
Résultat string

fgListRoleManagement() public méthode

USed to find a FG that has a certain role and status
public fgListRoleManagement ( string roleID, int currentStatus ) : string
roleID string Role ID
currentStatus int Current Status
Résultat string

fgListShort() public méthode

Used tp find basic FG info
public fgListShort ( ) : string
Résultat string

fgListStatus() public méthode

Used to find info on all FG's according to their status
public fgListStatus ( string status ) : string
status string status name
Résultat string

fgListStatus() public méthode

used to find all info on FG's according to their status and shift
public fgListStatus ( string status, string shift ) : string
status string status name
shift string shift name
Résultat string

fglistSearch() public méthode

public fglistSearch ( string fname, string lname ) : string
fname string
lname string
Résultat string

fglistSearch() public méthode

USed to search the FG list
public fglistSearch ( string fname, string lname, int currentStatus ) : string
fname string FG's first name
lname string FG's last name
currentStatus int FG's current status
Résultat string

getCinderellaPaired() public méthode

Used to find a Cinderella's id that is paired with a certain FG
public getCinderellaPaired ( int id ) : string
id int FG's ID#
Résultat string

getCinderellaStatus() public méthode

public getCinderellaStatus ( int id ) : string
id int
Résultat string

getCindyIDFomFG() public méthode

public getCindyIDFomFG ( int idFG ) : int
idFG int
Résultat int

getCurrentlyShopping() public méthode

Retrieves a dataset of those who are currently shopping.
public getCurrentlyShopping ( ) : DataSet
Résultat System.Data.DataSet

getDate() public méthode

Retrieves the current date and time from the database server.
public getDate ( ) : string
Résultat string

getDressInfo() public méthode

public getDressInfo ( string id ) : string
id string
Résultat string

getFGShiftInfo() public méthode

Used to find what shift and role a FG has when they work
public getFGShiftInfo ( string fgID ) : string
fgID string FG ID#
Résultat string

getFGStatus() public méthode

public getFGStatus ( string fgID ) : string
fgID string
Résultat string

getFgPaired() public méthode

Used to find the FG that is paired with a Cinderella
public getFgPaired ( int id ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID
Résultat string

getMaxCinderellaID() public méthode

public getMaxCinderellaID ( ) : string
Résultat string

getPackageInfo() public méthode

Returns all data from Package table for a certain Cinderella
public getPackageInfo ( string id ) : string
id string Cinderella ID
Résultat string

getReferrals() public méthode

Used to retrieve the list of referrals
public getReferrals ( ) : string
Résultat string

getSetting() public méthode

public getSetting ( string settingName ) : string
settingName string
Résultat string

getTime() public méthode

public getTime ( int id ) : string
id int
Résultat string

newFGShiftWorker() public méthode

Used to add a FG to a shift
public newFGShiftWorker ( string firstName, string lastName, int shiftID, int roleID ) : void
firstName string FG first name
lastName string FG last name
shiftID int fg shift ID#
roleID int FG role ID#
Résultat void

pairCinderella() public méthode

Used to manually pair a cinderella
public pairCinderella ( int cinderellaID, int fg_id ) : void
cinderellaID int Cinderella's ID#
fg_id int FG's ID#
Résultat void

resetDB() public méthode

Soft reset of the Database
public resetDB ( ) : void
Résultat void

setCinderellaStatus() public méthode

Sets the status of a cinderella or godmother.
public setCinderellaStatus ( string ID, int status ) : void
ID string Id of the Cinderella or Godmother
status int Status that you would like to set.
Résultat void

setDefaultSetting() public méthode

public setDefaultSetting ( string settingName, string defaultValue ) : void
settingName string
defaultValue string
Résultat void

setFGStatus() public méthode

public setFGStatus ( string ID, int status ) : void
ID string
status int
Résultat void

setFGStatusScan() public méthode

Used to set a FG to a certain status (Available, Unavailable, Paired, Shopping)
public setFGStatusScan ( string ID, int status, int shift ) : void
ID string
status int
shift int
Résultat void

setSettingValue() public méthode

public setSettingValue ( string settingName, string settingValue ) : void
settingName string
settingValue string
Résultat void

showFairyGodmothers() public méthode

public showFairyGodmothers ( int shift, int status ) : string
shift int
status int
Résultat string

sqlSelect() public méthode

This method houses all of the basic "Select" statements.
public sqlSelect ( string keyword ) : DataSet
keyword string Keyword identifying the select statment in the switch.
Résultat System.Data.DataSet

sqlStatment() public méthode

Will execute a non-query sql statment.
public sqlStatment ( string mysql ) : int
mysql string SQL statement to be executed.
Résultat int

statusList() public méthode

Used to get a cinderella's status, along with their name and their FG's name
public statusList ( int statusID ) : string
statusID int
Résultat string

undoCinderellaPairFromFGID() public méthode

Used to undo a FG's pairing with a cinderella
public undoCinderellaPairFromFGID ( int fgID ) : void
fgID int Fairy Godmother's ID
Résultat void

undoCinderellaStatus() public méthode

Undos the status change of the given status for the Cinderella if that status is the last known status
The CinDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus
public undoCinderellaStatus ( int id, int status ) : void
id int
status int status to delete
Résultat void

undoCinderellaUntilThisStatus() public méthode

Undos the status changes until the given status for the Cinderella
The CinDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus
public undoCinderellaUntilThisStatus ( int cinID, int status ) : void
cinID int Cinderellas given id
status int status to undo to
Résultat void

undoFGPairFromCinderellaID() public méthode

Used to undo a Cinderella's pairing with a FG
public undoFGPairFromCinderellaID ( int cinID ) : void
cinID int Cinderella's ID
Résultat void

undoFGStatus() public méthode

Undos the status changes of the given status for the FairyGodmother fi that status is the last known status
The FGDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus
public undoFGStatus ( int id, int status ) : void
id int
status int status to delete
Résultat void

undoFGUntilThisStatus() public méthode

Undos the status changes until the given status for the FairyGodmother
The FGDeleteStatusTrigger will update to the correct currentStatus
public undoFGUntilThisStatus ( int fgID, int status ) : void
fgID int FairyGodmother given id
status int status to undo to
Résultat void

updateAlterations() public méthode

Used to give alterations to a Cinderella
public updateAlterations ( string cindID, string notes, int straps, int darts, int zipper, int mending, int takeIn, int bust, int hem, string fgID ) : void
cindID string Cinderella's ID
notes string notes
straps int Straps (Int used for bool value in DB)
darts int darts (Int used for bool value in DB)
zipper int zipper (Int used for bool value in DB)
mending int mending (Int used for bool value in DB)
takeIn int takeIn (Int used for bool value in DB)
bust int bust (Int used for bool value in DB)
hem int hem (Int used for bool value in DB)
fgID string Seamstress ID#
Résultat void

updateAlterationsNotFinished() public méthode

used to give alterations to a Cinderella (This is used when their alterations will not be completed onsite)
public updateAlterationsNotFinished ( string cindID, string notes, int straps, int darts, int zipper, int mending, int takeIn, int bust, int hem, string fgID ) : void
cindID string Cinderella's ID
notes string notes
straps int Straps (Int used for bool value in DB)
darts int darts (Int used for bool value in DB)
zipper int zipper (Int used for bool value in DB)
mending int mending (Int used for bool value in DB)
takeIn int takeIn (Int used for bool value in DB)
bust int bust (Int used for bool value in DB)
hem int hem (Int used for bool value in DB)
fgID string Seamstress ID#
Résultat void

updateCinderella() public méthode

Used to update a cinderella's information. This is used if the Cinderella's information was incorrect and needed to be fixed, or if the appointment time and date needs to be changed
public updateCinderella ( int id, string firstName, string lastName, string date, string time ) : string
id int Cinderella's ID#
firstName string Cinderella's First Name
lastName string Cinderella's Last Name
date string Cinderella's appointment date
time string Cinderella's appointment time
Résultat string

updateCinderellaAppt() public méthode

Used to change a cinderella's appointment time when the current date and time button is clicked
public updateCinderellaAppt ( int id ) : void
id int Cinderella's ID#
Résultat void

updateCinderellaAppt() public méthode

Used to change a cinderella's appointment time when a manually entered date and time are needed
public updateCinderellaAppt ( int id, string date, string time ) : void
id int Cinderella's ID#
date string Cinderella's new appt date
time string Cinderella's new appt time
Résultat void

updateFairyGodmother() public méthode

Updates FG's info
public updateFairyGodmother ( string fgID, string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, string phoneNumber, string city, string state, string zip, string address ) : string
fgID string FG ID#
firstName string FG First Name
lastName string FG Last Name
emailAddress string FG Email
phoneNumber string FG Phone#
city string FG's city
state string FG's state
zip string FG's zip
address string FG's Address
Résultat string

validateLogin() public méthode

Used to validate the login of a user
public validateLogin ( string username, string password ) : int
username string Username
password string Password
Résultat int