C# Class Castle.Facilities.NHibernateIntegration.DefaultSessionManager

Inheritance: System.MarshalByRefObject, ISessionManager
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
DefaultSessionManager ( ISessionStore sessionStore, IKernel kernel, ISessionFactoryResolver factoryResolver ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the DefaultSessionManager class.

OpenSession ( ) : ISession

Returns a valid opened and connected ISession instance.

OpenSession ( String alias ) : ISession

Returns a valid opened and connected ISession instance for the given connection alias.

OpenStatelessSession ( ) : IStatelessSession

Returns a valid opened and connected IStatelessSession instance

OpenStatelessSession ( String alias ) : IStatelessSession

Returns a valid opened and connected IStatelessSession instance for the given connection alias.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
EnlistIfNecessary ( bool weAreSessionOwner, Services.Transaction.ITransaction transaction, SessionDelegate session ) : bool

Enlists if necessary.

EnlistIfNecessary ( bool weAreSessionOwner, Services.Transaction.ITransaction transaction, StatelessSessionDelegate session ) : bool

Enlists if necessary.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
CreateSession ( String alias ) : ISession
CreateStatelessSession ( String alias ) : IStatelessSession
ObtainCurrentTransaction ( ) : Services.Transaction.ITransaction
TranslateIsolationLevel ( IsolationMode mode ) : IsolationLevel
WrapSession ( bool hasTransaction, ISession session ) : SessionDelegate
WrapSession ( bool hasTransaction, IStatelessSession session ) : StatelessSessionDelegate

Method Details

DefaultSessionManager() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the DefaultSessionManager class.
public DefaultSessionManager ( ISessionStore sessionStore, IKernel kernel, ISessionFactoryResolver factoryResolver ) : System
sessionStore ISessionStore The session store.
kernel IKernel The kernel.
factoryResolver ISessionFactoryResolver The factory resolver.
Résultat System

EnlistIfNecessary() protected méthode

Enlists if necessary.
protected EnlistIfNecessary ( bool weAreSessionOwner, Services.Transaction.ITransaction transaction, SessionDelegate session ) : bool
weAreSessionOwner bool if set to true [we are session owner].
transaction Services.Transaction.ITransaction The transaction.
session SessionDelegate The session.
Résultat bool

EnlistIfNecessary() protected méthode

Enlists if necessary.
protected EnlistIfNecessary ( bool weAreSessionOwner, Services.Transaction.ITransaction transaction, StatelessSessionDelegate session ) : bool
weAreSessionOwner bool if set to true [we are session owner].
transaction Services.Transaction.ITransaction The transaction.
session StatelessSessionDelegate The session.
Résultat bool

OpenSession() public méthode

Returns a valid opened and connected ISession instance.
public OpenSession ( ) : ISession
Résultat ISession

OpenSession() public méthode

Returns a valid opened and connected ISession instance for the given connection alias.
public OpenSession ( String alias ) : ISession
alias String
Résultat ISession

OpenStatelessSession() public méthode

Returns a valid opened and connected IStatelessSession instance
public OpenStatelessSession ( ) : IStatelessSession
Résultat IStatelessSession

OpenStatelessSession() public méthode

Returns a valid opened and connected IStatelessSession instance for the given connection alias.
public OpenStatelessSession ( String alias ) : IStatelessSession
alias String
Résultat IStatelessSession