C# Class CSharpTradeOffers.Configuration.JsonConfigHandler

Generic config file handler
Afficher le fichier Open project: FatherFoxxy/CSharpTradeOffers

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Reload ( DefaultConfig config ) : DefaultConfig

Reloads the configuration file (path). If file is not present, it will generate a new one.

WriteChanges ( DefaultConfig towrite ) : void

Writes the changes made to the config.

Method Details

Reload() public méthode

Reloads the configuration file (path). If file is not present, it will generate a new one.
public Reload ( DefaultConfig config ) : DefaultConfig
config DefaultConfig
Résultat DefaultConfig

WriteChanges() public méthode

Writes the changes made to the config.
public WriteChanges ( DefaultConfig towrite ) : void
towrite DefaultConfig
Résultat void