C# Class CSharpImageLibrary.TargaExtensionArea

This class holds all of the Extension Area properties of the Targa image. If an Extension Area exists in the file.
Afficher le fichier Open project: KFreon/CSharpImageLibrary Class Usage Examples

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
SetAttributesType ( int intAttributesType ) : void

Sets the AttributesType property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetAuthorComments ( string strAuthorComments ) : void

Sets the AuthorComments property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetAuthorName ( string strAuthorName ) : void

Sets the AuthorName property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetColorCorrectionOffset ( int intColorCorrectionOffset ) : void

Sets the ColorCorrectionOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetDateTimeStamp ( System.DateTime dtDateTimeStamp ) : void

Sets the DateTimeStamp property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetExtensionSize ( int intExtensionSize ) : void

Sets the ExtensionSize property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetGammaDenominator ( int intGammaDenominator ) : void

Sets the GammaDenominator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetGammaNumerator ( int intGammaNumerator ) : void

Sets the GammaNumerator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetJobName ( string strJobName ) : void

Sets the JobName property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetJobTime ( System.TimeSpan dtJobTime ) : void

Sets the JobTime property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetKeyColor ( Color cKeyColor ) : void

Sets the KeyColor property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetPixelAspectRatioDenominator ( int intPixelAspectRatioDenominator ) : void

Sets the PixelAspectRatioDenominator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetPixelAspectRatioNumerator ( int intPixelAspectRatioNumerator ) : void

Sets the PixelAspectRatioNumerator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetPostageStampOffset ( int intPostageStampOffset ) : void

Sets the PostageStampOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetScanLineOffset ( int intScanLineOffset ) : void

Sets the ScanLineOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetSoftwareID ( string strSoftwareID ) : void

Sets the SoftwareID property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

SetSoftwareVersion ( string strSoftwareVersion ) : void

Sets the SoftwareVersion property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.

Method Details

SetAttributesType() protected méthode

Sets the AttributesType property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetAttributesType ( int intAttributesType ) : void
intAttributesType int The Attributes Type value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetAuthorComments() protected méthode

Sets the AuthorComments property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetAuthorComments ( string strAuthorComments ) : void
strAuthorComments string The Author Comments value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetAuthorName() protected méthode

Sets the AuthorName property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetAuthorName ( string strAuthorName ) : void
strAuthorName string The Author Name value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetColorCorrectionOffset() protected méthode

Sets the ColorCorrectionOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetColorCorrectionOffset ( int intColorCorrectionOffset ) : void
intColorCorrectionOffset int The Color Correction Offset value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetDateTimeStamp() protected méthode

Sets the DateTimeStamp property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetDateTimeStamp ( System.DateTime dtDateTimeStamp ) : void
dtDateTimeStamp System.DateTime The Date Time Stamp value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetExtensionSize() protected méthode

Sets the ExtensionSize property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetExtensionSize ( int intExtensionSize ) : void
intExtensionSize int The Extension Size value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetGammaDenominator() protected méthode

Sets the GammaDenominator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetGammaDenominator ( int intGammaDenominator ) : void
intGammaDenominator int The Gamma Denominator value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetGammaNumerator() protected méthode

Sets the GammaNumerator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetGammaNumerator ( int intGammaNumerator ) : void
intGammaNumerator int The Gamma Numerator value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetJobName() protected méthode

Sets the JobName property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetJobName ( string strJobName ) : void
strJobName string The Job Name value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetJobTime() protected méthode

Sets the JobTime property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetJobTime ( System.TimeSpan dtJobTime ) : void
dtJobTime System.TimeSpan The Job Time value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetKeyColor() protected méthode

Sets the KeyColor property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetKeyColor ( Color cKeyColor ) : void
cKeyColor Color The Key Color value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetPixelAspectRatioDenominator() protected méthode

Sets the PixelAspectRatioDenominator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetPixelAspectRatioDenominator ( int intPixelAspectRatioDenominator ) : void
intPixelAspectRatioDenominator int The Pixel Aspect Ratio Denominator value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetPixelAspectRatioNumerator() protected méthode

Sets the PixelAspectRatioNumerator property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetPixelAspectRatioNumerator ( int intPixelAspectRatioNumerator ) : void
intPixelAspectRatioNumerator int The Pixel Aspect Ratio Numerator value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetPostageStampOffset() protected méthode

Sets the PostageStampOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetPostageStampOffset ( int intPostageStampOffset ) : void
intPostageStampOffset int The Postage Stamp Offset value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetScanLineOffset() protected méthode

Sets the ScanLineOffset property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetScanLineOffset ( int intScanLineOffset ) : void
intScanLineOffset int The Scan Line Offset value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetSoftwareID() protected méthode

Sets the SoftwareID property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetSoftwareID ( string strSoftwareID ) : void
strSoftwareID string The Software ID value read from the file.
Résultat void

SetSoftwareVersion() protected méthode

Sets the SoftwareVersion property, available only to objects in the same assembly as TargaExtensionArea.
protected SetSoftwareVersion ( string strSoftwareVersion ) : void
strSoftwareVersion string The Software Version value read from the file.
Résultat void