C# Class Bottles.PackageLoaders.LinkedFolders.LinkedFolderPackageLoader

To be used in other projects (ie FubuMVC) to allow additional packages to be loaded via the .links file.
Inheritance: IPackageLoader, DescribesItself
Afficher le fichier Open project: DarthFubuMVC/bottles

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Describe ( FubuCore.Descriptions.Description description ) : void
LinkedFolderPackageLoader ( string applicationDirectory, string>.Func getContentFolderFromPackageFolder ) : System
Load ( IPackageLog log ) : IEnumerable

Method Details

Describe() public méthode

public Describe ( FubuCore.Descriptions.Description description ) : void
description FubuCore.Descriptions.Description
Résultat void

LinkedFolderPackageLoader() public méthode

public LinkedFolderPackageLoader ( string applicationDirectory, string>.Func getContentFolderFromPackageFolder ) : System
applicationDirectory string
getContentFolderFromPackageFolder string>.Func
Résultat System

Load() public méthode

public Load ( IPackageLog log ) : IEnumerable
log IPackageLog
Résultat IEnumerable