C# Class BitMiracle.LibTiff.Classic.Internal.OJpegCodec

Inheritance: TiffCodec
Afficher le fichier Open project: Core-Techs/TiffLibrary Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Cleanup ( ) : void

Cleanups the state of the codec.

Cleanup is called when codec is no longer needed (won't be used) and can be used for example to restore tag methods that were substituted.

DecodeRow ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Decodes one row of image data.

DecodeStrip ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Decodes one strip of image data.

DecodeTile ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Decodes one tile of image data.

EncodeRow ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Encodes one row of image data.

EncodeStrip ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Encodes one strip of image data.

EncodeTile ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool

Encodes one tile of image data.

GetTiff ( ) : Tiff
Init ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadBlock ( ushort len, byte mem, int offset ) : bool
OJPEGReadBytePeek ( byte &b ) : bool
OJPEGSubsamplingCorrect ( ) : void
OJpegCodec ( Tiff tif, Compression scheme, string name ) : System
PostEncode ( ) : bool

Performs any actions after encoding required by the codec.

PostEncode is called after encoding and can be used to release any external resources needed during encoding.

PreDecode ( short plane ) : bool

Prepares the decoder part of the codec for a decoding.

PreDecode is called after SetupDecode and before decoding.

PreEncode ( short plane ) : bool

Prepares the encoder part of the codec for a encoding.

PreEncode is called after SetupEncode and before encoding.

SetupDecode ( ) : bool

Setups the decoder part of the codec.

SetupDecode is called once before PreDecode.

SetupEncode ( ) : bool

Setups the encoder part of the codec.

SetupEncode is called once before PreEncode.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
ForceProcessedRgbOutput ( bool force ) : void
OJPEGCleanup ( ) : void
OJPEGDecode ( byte buf, int offset, int cc, short s ) : bool
OJPEGDecodeRaw ( byte buf, int offset, int cc ) : bool
OJPEGDecodeScanlines ( byte buf, int offset, int cc ) : bool
OJPEGLibjpegSessionAbort ( ) : void
OJPEGPreDecode ( short s ) : bool
OJPEGPreDecodeSkipRaw ( ) : bool
OJPEGPreDecodeSkipScanlines ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadBufferFill ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadByte ( byte &b ) : bool
OJPEGReadByteAdvance ( ) : void
OJPEGReadHeaderInfo ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSec ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecStreamDht ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecStreamDqt ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecStreamDri ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecStreamSof ( byte marker_id ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecStreamSos ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecTablesAcTable ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecTablesDcTable ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadHeaderInfoSecTablesQTable ( ) : bool
OJPEGReadSecondarySos ( short s ) : bool
OJPEGReadSkip ( ushort len ) : void
OJPEGReadWord ( ushort &word ) : bool
OJPEGSetupDecode ( ) : bool
OJPEGWriteHeaderInfo ( ) : bool
OJPEGWriteStream ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : bool
OJPEGWriteStreamAcTable ( byte table_index, byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamCompressed ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : bool
OJPEGWriteStreamDcTable ( byte table_index, byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamDri ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamEoi ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamQTable ( byte table_index, byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamRst ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamSof ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamSoi ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJPEGWriteStreamSos ( byte &mem, uint &len ) : void
OJpegEncodeIsUnsupported ( ) : bool
cleanState ( ) : void
jpeg_create_decompress_encap ( ) : bool
jpeg_read_header_encap ( bool require_image ) : ReadResult
jpeg_read_raw_data_encap ( int max_lines ) : int
jpeg_read_scanlines_encap ( byte scanlines, int max_lines ) : int
jpeg_start_decompress_encap ( ) : bool

Method Details

Cleanup() public méthode

Cleanups the state of the codec.
Cleanup is called when codec is no longer needed (won't be used) and can be used for example to restore tag methods that were substituted.
public Cleanup ( ) : void
Résultat void

DecodeRow() public méthode

Decodes one row of image data.
public DecodeRow ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer to place decoded image data to.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin storing decoded bytes.
count int The number of decoded bytes that should be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

DecodeStrip() public méthode

Decodes one strip of image data.
public DecodeStrip ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer to place decoded image data to.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin storing decoded bytes.
count int The number of decoded bytes that should be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

DecodeTile() public méthode

Decodes one tile of image data.
public DecodeTile ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer to place decoded image data to.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin storing decoded bytes.
count int The number of decoded bytes that should be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

EncodeRow() public méthode

Encodes one row of image data.
public EncodeRow ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer with image data to be encoded.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin read image data.
count int The maximum number of encoded bytes that can be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

EncodeStrip() public méthode

Encodes one strip of image data.
public EncodeStrip ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer with image data to be encoded.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin read image data.
count int The maximum number of encoded bytes that can be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

EncodeTile() public méthode

Encodes one tile of image data.
public EncodeTile ( byte buffer, int offset, int count, short plane ) : bool
buffer byte The buffer with image data to be encoded.
offset int The zero-based byte offset in at /// which to begin read image data.
count int The maximum number of encoded bytes that can be placed /// to
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

GetTiff() public méthode

public GetTiff ( ) : Tiff
Résultat Tiff

Init() public méthode

public Init ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

OJPEGReadBlock() public méthode

public OJPEGReadBlock ( ushort len, byte mem, int offset ) : bool
len ushort
mem byte
offset int
Résultat bool

OJPEGReadBytePeek() public méthode

public OJPEGReadBytePeek ( byte &b ) : bool
b byte
Résultat bool

OJPEGSubsamplingCorrect() public méthode

public OJPEGSubsamplingCorrect ( ) : void
Résultat void

OJpegCodec() public méthode

public OJpegCodec ( Tiff tif, Compression scheme, string name ) : System
tif Tiff
scheme Compression
name string
Résultat System

PostEncode() public méthode

Performs any actions after encoding required by the codec.
PostEncode is called after encoding and can be used to release any external resources needed during encoding.
public PostEncode ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

PreDecode() public méthode

Prepares the decoder part of the codec for a decoding.
PreDecode is called after SetupDecode and before decoding.
public PreDecode ( short plane ) : bool
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

PreEncode() public méthode

Prepares the encoder part of the codec for a encoding.
PreEncode is called after SetupEncode and before encoding.
public PreEncode ( short plane ) : bool
plane short The zero-based sample plane index.
Résultat bool

SetupDecode() public méthode

Setups the decoder part of the codec.
SetupDecode is called once before PreDecode.
public SetupDecode ( ) : bool
Résultat bool

SetupEncode() public méthode

Setups the encoder part of the codec.
SetupEncode is called once before PreEncode.
public SetupEncode ( ) : bool
Résultat bool