C# Class BeardedManStudios.Network.NetworkedMonoBehavior.NetSync

Attribute for easily replicating properties and fields across the network
Inheritance: System.Attribute
Afficher le fichier Open project: drakelinglabs/unityarmada

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
callers NetworkCallers
interpolate Interpolate
method string

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
NetSync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks
NetSync ( Interpolate ignoreInterpolation ) : System.Threading.Tasks
NetSync ( string method, NetworkCallers callers ) : System.Threading.Tasks
NetSync ( string method, NetworkCallers callers, Interpolate ignoreInterpolation ) : System.Threading.Tasks

Method Details

NetSync() public méthode

public NetSync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks

NetSync() public méthode

public NetSync ( Interpolate ignoreInterpolation ) : System.Threading.Tasks
ignoreInterpolation Interpolate
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks

NetSync() public méthode

public NetSync ( string method, NetworkCallers callers ) : System.Threading.Tasks
method string
callers NetworkCallers
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks

NetSync() public méthode

public NetSync ( string method, NetworkCallers callers, Interpolate ignoreInterpolation ) : System.Threading.Tasks
method string
callers NetworkCallers
ignoreInterpolation Interpolate
Résultat System.Threading.Tasks

Property Details

callers public_oe property

Used to determine who is to call the callback method when the value has changed
public NetworkCallers callers
Résultat NetworkCallers

interpolate public_oe property

This is uesd to determine if this value ignores interpolation
public Interpolate interpolate
Résultat Interpolate

method public_oe property

The name of the method to execute when the value has changed
public string method
Résultat string