C# Class Axiom.RenderSystems.DirectX9.D3DGpuProgramManager

Summary description for D3DGpuProgramManager.
Inheritance: Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramManager
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Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
device SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CreateParameters ( ) : GpuProgramParameters

Returns a specialized version of GpuProgramParameters.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
_create ( string name, System.UInt64 handle, string group, bool isManual, IManualResourceLoader loader, GpuProgramType type, string syntaxCode ) : Axiom.Core.Resource
_create ( string name, System.UInt64 handle, string group, bool isManual, IManualResourceLoader loader, NameValuePairList createParams ) : Axiom.Core.Resource

Method Details

CreateParameters() public méthode

Returns a specialized version of GpuProgramParameters.
public CreateParameters ( ) : GpuProgramParameters
Résultat Axiom.Graphics.GpuProgramParameters

_create() protected méthode

protected _create ( string name, System.UInt64 handle, string group, bool isManual, IManualResourceLoader loader, GpuProgramType type, string syntaxCode ) : Axiom.Core.Resource
name string
handle System.UInt64
group string
isManual bool
loader IManualResourceLoader
type GpuProgramType
syntaxCode string
Résultat Axiom.Core.Resource

_create() protected méthode

protected _create ( string name, System.UInt64 handle, string group, bool isManual, IManualResourceLoader loader, NameValuePairList createParams ) : Axiom.Core.Resource
name string
handle System.UInt64
group string
isManual bool
loader IManualResourceLoader
createParams NameValuePairList
Résultat Axiom.Core.Resource

Property Details

device protected_oe property

protected Device,SlimDX.Direct3D9 device
Résultat SlimDX.Direct3D9.Device