C# Class Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Puzzles.PuzzlePlace

Place on a tile in a dungeon that contains a part of a puzzle.
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Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AddProp ( Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Props.DungeonProp prop, Placement positionType ) : void

Adds prop to place.

CloseAllDoors ( ) : void

Closes all doors at this place.

DeclareLock ( bool lockSelf = false ) : void

Makes it a locked place with a locked door.

DeclareLockSelf ( ) : void

Makes it a locked place with a locked door that doesn't need an unlock place.

DeclareUnlock ( PuzzlePlace lockPlace ) : void

This place will precede locked place and contain some means to unlock it.

GetLockDoor ( ) : Door

Returns locked door of this place.

GetPosition ( Placement placement, int border = -1 ) : int[]

Returns position and direction for placement.

GetRoomPosition ( ) : Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position

Returns the room's position.

GetWorldPosition ( ) : Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position

Returns the position of the place in world coordinates.

LockPlace ( ) : void

Locks this place.

LockPlace ( Item key ) : void

Locks this place with the given key.

Open ( ) : void

Opens locked place.

OpenAllDoors ( ) : void

Opens all doors at this place.

PuzzlePlace ( Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.DungeonFloorSection section, Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Puzzles.Puzzle puzzle, string name ) : System.Collections.Generic

Creates new puzzle place.

ReserveDoors ( ) : void

Declares this place to be a room. Doors of this place won't be locked with a key.

ReservePlace ( ) : void

Declares that this place is not to be used by any other puzzles. If we didn't declare this place to be something, reserve random place.

SpawnSingleMob ( string mobGroupName, int raceId, int amount, Placement placement = Placement.Random ) : void

Creates mob in puzzle, in place.

SpawnSingleMob ( string mobGroupName, string mobToSpawn = null, Placement placement = Placement.Random ) : void

Creates mob in puzzle, in this place.

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AddDoor ( int direction, DungeonBlockType doorType ) : void

Adds door to place.

UpdatePosition ( ) : void

Updates world position of place.

Method Details

AddProp() public méthode

Adds prop to place.
public AddProp ( Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Props.DungeonProp prop, Placement positionType ) : void
prop Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Props.DungeonProp
positionType Placement
Résultat void

CloseAllDoors() public méthode

Closes all doors at this place.
public CloseAllDoors ( ) : void
Résultat void

DeclareLock() public méthode

Makes it a locked place with a locked door.
public DeclareLock ( bool lockSelf = false ) : void
lockSelf bool
Résultat void

DeclareLockSelf() public méthode

Makes it a locked place with a locked door that doesn't need an unlock place.
public DeclareLockSelf ( ) : void
Résultat void

DeclareUnlock() public méthode

This place will precede locked place and contain some means to unlock it.
public DeclareUnlock ( PuzzlePlace lockPlace ) : void
lockPlace PuzzlePlace
Résultat void

GetLockDoor() public méthode

Returns locked door of this place.
Thrown if there is no lock or no door.
public GetLockDoor ( ) : Door
Résultat Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Props.Door

GetPosition() public méthode

Returns position and direction for placement.
public GetPosition ( Placement placement, int border = -1 ) : int[]
placement Placement
border int
Résultat int[]

GetRoomPosition() public méthode

Returns the room's position.
public GetRoomPosition ( ) : Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position
Résultat Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position

GetWorldPosition() public méthode

Returns the position of the place in world coordinates.
public GetWorldPosition ( ) : Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position
Résultat Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.Position

LockPlace() public méthode

Locks this place.
public LockPlace ( ) : void
Résultat void

LockPlace() public méthode

Locks this place with the given key.
public LockPlace ( Item key ) : void
key Item
Résultat void

Open() public méthode

Opens locked place.
public Open ( ) : void
Résultat void

OpenAllDoors() public méthode

Opens all doors at this place.
public OpenAllDoors ( ) : void
Résultat void

PuzzlePlace() public méthode

Creates new puzzle place.
public PuzzlePlace ( Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.DungeonFloorSection section, Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Puzzles.Puzzle puzzle, string name ) : System.Collections.Generic
section Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Generation.DungeonFloorSection
puzzle Aura.Channel.World.Dungeons.Puzzles.Puzzle
name string
Résultat System.Collections.Generic

ReserveDoors() public méthode

Declares this place to be a room. Doors of this place won't be locked with a key.
public ReserveDoors ( ) : void
Résultat void

ReservePlace() public méthode

Declares that this place is not to be used by any other puzzles. If we didn't declare this place to be something, reserve random place.
public ReservePlace ( ) : void
Résultat void

SpawnSingleMob() public méthode

Creates mob in puzzle, in place.
public SpawnSingleMob ( string mobGroupName, int raceId, int amount, Placement placement = Placement.Random ) : void
mobGroupName string Name of the mob, for reference.
raceId int Race to spawn.
amount int Number of monsters to spawn.
placement Placement
Résultat void

SpawnSingleMob() public méthode

Creates mob in puzzle, in this place.
public SpawnSingleMob ( string mobGroupName, string mobToSpawn = null, Placement placement = Placement.Random ) : void
mobGroupName string Name of the mob, for reference.
mobToSpawn string Mob to spawn (Mob1-3), leave as null for auto select.
placement Placement
Résultat void