C# Class Artemis.Engine.Utilities.DirectoryUtils

Afficher le fichier Open project: ArtemisEngine/Artemis-Engine

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
IsChildDirectoryOf ( string parentDirectory, string childDirectory ) : bool

Determine if a given directory is a child directory of another.

MakeRelativePath ( string rootDirectory, string childDirectory ) : String

Return the difference between a root directory and a child directory. For example, MakeRelativePath("a\b\", "a\b\c\d\e") will return "c\d\e".

Method Details

IsChildDirectoryOf() public static méthode

Determine if a given directory is a child directory of another.
public static IsChildDirectoryOf ( string parentDirectory, string childDirectory ) : bool
parentDirectory string
childDirectory string
Résultat bool

MakeRelativePath() public static méthode

Return the difference between a root directory and a child directory. For example, MakeRelativePath("a\b\", "a\b\c\d\e") will return "c\d\e".
public static MakeRelativePath ( string rootDirectory, string childDirectory ) : String
rootDirectory string
childDirectory string
Résultat String