C# Class Artemis.Engine.Graphics.RenderOrder.RenderItem

A RenderOrderAction indicating to render the item with the given name.
Inheritance: AbstractRenderOrderAction
Afficher le fichier Open project: ArtemisEngine/Artemis-Engine Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
Name string
SkipDuplicates bool

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
RenderItem ( string name, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : System.Collections.Generic

Method Details

RenderItem() public méthode

public RenderItem ( string name, bool skipDuplicates = true ) : System.Collections.Generic
name string
skipDuplicates bool
Résultat System.Collections.Generic

Property Details

Name public_oe property

The name of the item to render.
public string Name
Résultat string

SkipDuplicates public_oe property

Whether or not to skip duplicate renders.
public bool SkipDuplicates
Résultat bool