C# Class Amazon.IoT.Model.RegisterCACertificateRequest

Container for the parameters to the RegisterCACertificate operation. Registers a CA certificate with AWS IoT. This CA certificate can then be used to sign device certificates, which can be then registered with AWS IoT. You can register up to 10 CA certificates per AWS account that have the same subject field and public key. This enables you to have up to 10 certificate authorities sign your device certificates. If you have more than one CA certificate registered, make sure you pass the CA certificate when you register your device certificates with the RegisterCertificate API.
Inheritance: AmazonIoTRequest
Afficher le fichier Open project: aws/aws-sdk-net Class Usage Examples

Private Methods

Méthode Description
IsSetAllowAutoRegistration ( ) : bool
IsSetCaCertificate ( ) : bool
IsSetSetAsActive ( ) : bool
IsSetVerificationCertificate ( ) : bool