C# Class Akka.Routing.TailChoppingRoutingLogic

The routing logic for the TailChoppingRouter. This router will send a message to a randomly chosen routee, and after a delay, send to a different randomly chosen routee. The first response is forwarded, and all other responses are discarded.
Inheritance: RoutingLogic
Afficher le fichier Open project: rogeralsing/akka.net

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Select ( object message, Routee routees ) : Routee

Picks all of the provided routees to receive the message.

TailChoppingRoutingLogic ( System.TimeSpan within, System.TimeSpan interval, IScheduler scheduler ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the TailChoppingRoutingLogic class.

Method Details

Select() public méthode

Picks all of the provided routees to receive the message.
public Select ( object message, Routee routees ) : Routee
message object The message that is being routed
routees Routee A collection of routees used when receiving the .
Résultat Routee

TailChoppingRoutingLogic() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the TailChoppingRoutingLogic class.
public TailChoppingRoutingLogic ( System.TimeSpan within, System.TimeSpan interval, IScheduler scheduler ) : System
within System.TimeSpan The time within which at least one response is expected.
interval System.TimeSpan The duration after which the next routee will be picked.
scheduler IScheduler The used to force deadlines.
Résultat System