C# Class Acid.PuntoPagos.Sdk.Dtos.CreateTransactionRequestDto

Afficher le fichier Open project: acidlabs/puntopagos-sdk Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CreateTransactionRequestDto ( decimal amount, ulong transactionId ) : System.Globalization

Create a new object for create process for payment.

GetJson ( ) : string

Method Details

CreateTransactionRequestDto() public méthode

Create a new object for create process for payment.
public CreateTransactionRequestDto ( decimal amount, ulong transactionId ) : System.Globalization
amount decimal Total value of the transaction
transactionId ulong Unique identifier of the client's transaction
Résultat System.Globalization

GetJson() public méthode

public GetJson ( ) : string
Résultat string