C# Class ARCed.Scintilla.UndoRedoFlags

Contains Undo/Redo information, used by many of the events
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Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
IsLastStep bool
IsMultiLine bool
IsMultiStep bool
IsRedo bool
IsUndo bool

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
ToString ( ) : string


UndoRedoFlags ( int modificationType )

Initializes a new instance of the UndoRedoFlags structure.

Method Details

ToString() public méthode

public ToString ( ) : string
Résultat string

UndoRedoFlags() public méthode

Initializes a new instance of the UndoRedoFlags structure.
public UndoRedoFlags ( int modificationType )
modificationType int Specifies the modification type

Property Details

IsLastStep public_oe property

Is this the last step in an undi or redo
public bool IsLastStep
Résultat bool

IsMultiLine public_oe property

Does this affect multiple lines
public bool IsMultiLine
Résultat bool

IsMultiStep public_oe property

Is this part of a multiple undo or redo
public bool IsMultiStep
Résultat bool

IsRedo public_oe property

Was this action the result of a redo action
public bool IsRedo
Résultat bool

IsUndo public_oe property

Was this action the result of an undo action
public bool IsUndo
Résultat bool