C# Class UIRadioBtn3D, urban-survivors

Inheritance: ControlBase, IRadioButton
Afficher le fichier Open project: exdev/urban-survivors Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
defaultValue bool
delay float
methodToInvoke string
radioGroup int
scriptWithMethodToInvoke MonoBehaviour
soundToPlay UnityEngine.AudioSource
useParentForGrouping bool

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
btnValue bool
group RadioBtnGroup,
states string[]

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Copy ( IControl c ) : void
Copy ( IControl c, ControlCopyFlags flags ) : void
Create ( string name, Vector3 pos ) : UIRadioBtn3D,

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.

Create ( string name, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation ) : UIRadioBtn3D,

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.

DrawPreTransitionUI ( int selState, IGUIScriptSelector gui ) : void
GetTransitions ( int index ) : EZTransitionList
OnDestroy ( ) : void
OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
SetGroup ( GameObject parent ) : void

Makes the radio button a part of the specified group and it will thenceforth be mutually exclusive to all other radio buttons in the same group.

SetGroup ( int groupID ) : void

Makes the radio button a part of the specified group and it will thenceforth be mutually exclusive to all other radio buttons in the same group.

Start ( ) : void

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
Awake ( ) : void
DisableMe ( ) : void
PopOtherButtonsInGroup ( ) : void
SetButtonState ( ) : void
StartTransition ( int newState, int prevState ) : void

Method Details

Awake() protected méthode

protected Awake ( ) : void
Résultat void

Copy() public méthode

public Copy ( IControl c ) : void
c IControl
Résultat void

Copy() public méthode

public Copy ( IControl c, ControlCopyFlags flags ) : void
c IControl
flags ControlCopyFlags
Résultat void

Create() static public méthode

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.
static public Create ( string name, Vector3 pos ) : UIRadioBtn3D,
name string Name to give to the new GameObject.
pos Vector3 Position, in world space, where the new object should be created.
Résultat UIRadioBtn3D,

Create() static public méthode

Creates a GameObject and attaches this component type to it.
static public Create ( string name, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation ) : UIRadioBtn3D,
name string Name to give to the new GameObject.
pos Vector3 Position, in world space, where the new object should be created.
rotation Quaternion Rotation of the object.
Résultat UIRadioBtn3D,

DisableMe() protected méthode

protected DisableMe ( ) : void
Résultat void

DrawPreTransitionUI() public méthode

public DrawPreTransitionUI ( int selState, IGUIScriptSelector gui ) : void
selState int
gui IGUIScriptSelector
Résultat void

GetTransitions() public méthode

public GetTransitions ( int index ) : EZTransitionList
index int
Résultat EZTransitionList

OnDestroy() public méthode

public OnDestroy ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnInput() public méthode

public OnInput ( POINTER_INFO, ptr ) : void
Résultat void

PopOtherButtonsInGroup() protected méthode

protected PopOtherButtonsInGroup ( ) : void
Résultat void

SetButtonState() protected méthode

protected SetButtonState ( ) : void
Résultat void

SetGroup() public méthode

Makes the radio button a part of the specified group and it will thenceforth be mutually exclusive to all other radio buttons in the same group.
public SetGroup ( GameObject parent ) : void
parent GameObject
Résultat void

SetGroup() public méthode

Makes the radio button a part of the specified group and it will thenceforth be mutually exclusive to all other radio buttons in the same group.
public SetGroup ( int groupID ) : void
groupID int
Résultat void

Start() public méthode

public Start ( ) : void
Résultat void

StartTransition() protected méthode

protected StartTransition ( int newState, int prevState ) : void
newState int
prevState int
Résultat void

Property Details

btnValue protected_oe property

protected bool btnValue
Résultat bool

defaultValue public_oe property

The default value of the button
public bool defaultValue
Résultat bool

delay public_oe property

Delay, in seconds, between the time the control is tapped and the time the method is executed.
public float delay
Résultat float

group protected_oe property

protected RadioBtnGroup, group
Résultat RadioBtnGroup,

methodToInvoke public_oe property

A string containing the name of the method to be invoked.
public string methodToInvoke
Résultat string

radioGroup public_oe property

The numbered group to which this radio button belongs. Buttons that share a group will be mutually exclusive to one another. This value is only available if RADIOBTN_USE_PARENT is not defined. Otherwise, by default, radio buttons group themselves according to a common parent GameObject.
public int radioGroup
Résultat int

scriptWithMethodToInvoke public_oe property

Reference to the script component with the method you wish to invoke when the button changes states.
public MonoBehaviour scriptWithMethodToInvoke
Résultat MonoBehaviour

soundToPlay public_oe property

Sound that will be played when the button is tapped.
public AudioSource,UnityEngine soundToPlay
Résultat UnityEngine.AudioSource

states protected_oe property

protected string[] states
Résultat string[]

useParentForGrouping public_oe property

When true, the radio button will group itself with other radio buttons based on whether they share the same parent GameObject.
public bool useParentForGrouping
Résultat bool

whenToInvoke public_oe property

Sets what event should have occurred to invoke the associated MonoBehaviour method. Defaults to TAP.