C# Class TableauServerSignedInRequestBase, TabMigrate

Abstract class for making requests AFTER having logged into the server
Inheritance: TableauServerRequestBase
Afficher le fichier Open project: tableau/TabMigrate

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
_onlineSession TableauServerSignIn,

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
TableauServerSignedInRequestBase ( TableauServerSignIn, login ) : System


Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
CreateAndSendMimeLoggedInRequest ( string url, string protocol, MimeWriterBase, mimeToSend, Nullable requestTimeout = null ) : WebRequest

Creates a web request with a MIME payload and send it to server

CreateLoggedInWebClient ( ) : WebClient

Web client class used for downloads from Tableau Server

CreateLoggedInWebRequest ( string url, string protocol = "GET", Nullable requestTimeout = null ) : WebRequest

Creates a web request and appends the user credential tokens necessary

DownloadFile ( string urlDownload, string downloadToDirectory, string baseFilename, DownloadPayloadTypeHelper, downloadTypeMapper ) : string

Download a file

GetWebReponseLogErrors ( WebRequest webRequest, string description ) : WebResponse

Get the web response; log any error codes that occur and rethrow the exception. This allows us to get error log data with detailed information

Private Methods

Méthode Description
AppendLoggedInHeadersForRequest ( WebHeaderCollection webHeaders ) : void

Adds header information that authenticates the request to Tableau Online

AttemptToLogWebException ( WebException webException, string description, TaskStatusLogs, onlineStatusLog ) : void

Attempt to log any detailed information we find about the failed web request

DownloadFile_inner ( string urlDownload, string downloadToDirectory, string baseFilename, DownloadPayloadTypeHelper, downloadTypeMapper ) : string

Downloads a file

Method Details

CreateAndSendMimeLoggedInRequest() protected méthode

Creates a web request with a MIME payload and send it to server
protected CreateAndSendMimeLoggedInRequest ( string url, string protocol, MimeWriterBase, mimeToSend, Nullable requestTimeout = null ) : WebRequest
url string
protocol string e.g. "PUT" "POST"
mimeToSend MimeWriterBase, Mime data we are goign to send
requestTimeout Nullable
Résultat WebRequest

CreateLoggedInWebClient() protected méthode

Web client class used for downloads from Tableau Server
protected CreateLoggedInWebClient ( ) : WebClient
Résultat WebClient

CreateLoggedInWebRequest() protected méthode

Creates a web request and appends the user credential tokens necessary
protected CreateLoggedInWebRequest ( string url, string protocol = "GET", Nullable requestTimeout = null ) : WebRequest
url string
protocol string
requestTimeout Nullable Useful for specifying timeouts for operations that can take a long time
Résultat WebRequest

DownloadFile() protected méthode

Download a file
protected DownloadFile ( string urlDownload, string downloadToDirectory, string baseFilename, DownloadPayloadTypeHelper, downloadTypeMapper ) : string
urlDownload string
downloadToDirectory string
baseFilename string
downloadTypeMapper DownloadPayloadTypeHelper,
Résultat string

GetWebReponseLogErrors() protected méthode

Get the web response; log any error codes that occur and rethrow the exception. This allows us to get error log data with detailed information
protected GetWebReponseLogErrors ( WebRequest webRequest, string description ) : WebResponse
webRequest WebRequest
description string
Résultat WebResponse

TableauServerSignedInRequestBase() public méthode

public TableauServerSignedInRequestBase ( TableauServerSignIn, login ) : System
login TableauServerSignIn,
Résultat System

Property Details

_onlineSession protected_oe property

protected TableauServerSignIn, _onlineSession
Résultat TableauServerSignIn,