C# Class MBParameter, Pharos

Base class of all parameters
\sa \ref paramref \sa \ref codeextendparameter
Inheritance: MBObject
Afficher le fichier Open project: rstaewen/Pharos

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
AnimatedBirth bool
AnimatedLife bool
DeathReason MBDeathReason
GizmoColor1 Color
GizmoColor2 Color
Order int

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
CompareTo ( object obj ) : int
Destroy ( ) : void
OnBirth ( MBParticle, PT ) : void

Sets a particle's initial parameters

This is called once on particle's birth. If AnimatedBirth is true you should animate values here (use PT.DeltaTime and PT.Emitter.AgePercent)

OnLifetime ( MBParticle, PT ) : bool

Change particle values over its lifetime

This is called each frame a particle exists. You should animate values using PT.AgePercent and PT.DeltaTime

OnPlay ( ) : void

Called on each MBEmitter.Play()

Use this to initialize your parameter

Reset ( ) : void

Restore default settings

Called by the user in the parameter editor

Validate ( ) : void

Validate/Check/Limit fields and properties here

This is called by the Editor window after values were changed.

Méthodes protégées

Méthode Description
OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
OnDrawGizmosSelected ( ) : void

Method Details

CompareTo() public méthode

public CompareTo ( object obj ) : int
obj object
Résultat int

Destroy() public méthode

public Destroy ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnBirth() public méthode

Sets a particle's initial parameters
This is called once on particle's birth. If AnimatedBirth is true you should animate values here (use PT.DeltaTime and PT.Emitter.AgePercent)
public OnBirth ( MBParticle, PT ) : void
PT MBParticle,
Résultat void

OnDrawGizmos() protected méthode

protected OnDrawGizmos ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnDrawGizmosSelected() protected méthode

protected OnDrawGizmosSelected ( ) : void
Résultat void

OnLifetime() public méthode

Change particle values over its lifetime
This is called each frame a particle exists. You should animate values using PT.AgePercent and PT.DeltaTime
public OnLifetime ( MBParticle, PT ) : bool
PT MBParticle,
Résultat bool

OnPlay() public méthode

Called on each MBEmitter.Play()
Use this to initialize your parameter
public OnPlay ( ) : void
Résultat void

Reset() public méthode

Restore default settings
Called by the user in the parameter editor
public Reset ( ) : void
Résultat void

Validate() public méthode

Validate/Check/Limit fields and properties here
This is called by the Editor window after values were changed.
public Validate ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

AnimatedBirth public_oe property

Is this parameter animated over the emitter's duration?
Check this flag to determine if you need to handle curves or static values in OnBirth()
public bool AnimatedBirth
Résultat bool

AnimatedLife public_oe property

Does this parameter animate particle's over their lifetime?
If true OnLifeTime() will be called every frame the particle exists
public bool AnimatedLife
Résultat bool

DeathReason public_oe property

If this parameter causes the Particle to die (by returning false in OnLifetime()), set the reason here
public MBDeathReason DeathReason
Résultat MBDeathReason

GizmoColor1 public_oe property

Color used by parameter visualization
public Color GizmoColor1
Résultat Color

GizmoColor2 public_oe property

Color used by parameter visualization
public Color GizmoColor2
Résultat Color

Order public_oe property

Determines the order of execution
Parameters are applied in increasing Order. \sa \ref paramorder
public int Order
Résultat int