C# Class GameModeManager, GameProject

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Afficher le fichier Open project: EECS390IndieTeam/GameProject Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
GameModeNames string[]
GameModes IGameMode[]

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
GetGameModeFromClassName ( string gameModeClassName ) : IGameMode

returns the IGameMode instance that has the given class name

GetHumanReadableNameForMap ( string mapClassName ) : string

returns the human-readable alias for the given map. if no alias has been defined, it just returns the map class name

GetSupportedGameModesForMap ( string mapClassName ) : IEnumerable

returns a list of the IGameMode instances that support the given map

GetSupportedMapsForGameMode ( IGameMode gameMode ) : IEnumerable

returns a list of the class names of all maps that support the given game mode

GetSupportedMapsForGameMode ( string gameModeClassName ) : IEnumerable

returns a list of the class names of all maps that support the given game mode

Private Methods

Méthode Description
BuildMapNameMap ( ) : void

Builds the mapNameMap with the values and stuff...

GameModeManager ( ) : System

Method Details

GetGameModeFromClassName() public static méthode

returns the IGameMode instance that has the given class name
public static GetGameModeFromClassName ( string gameModeClassName ) : IGameMode
gameModeClassName string
Résultat IGameMode

GetHumanReadableNameForMap() public static méthode

returns the human-readable alias for the given map. if no alias has been defined, it just returns the map class name
public static GetHumanReadableNameForMap ( string mapClassName ) : string
mapClassName string
Résultat string

GetSupportedGameModesForMap() public static méthode

returns a list of the IGameMode instances that support the given map
public static GetSupportedGameModesForMap ( string mapClassName ) : IEnumerable
mapClassName string
Résultat IEnumerable

GetSupportedMapsForGameMode() public static méthode

returns a list of the class names of all maps that support the given game mode
public static GetSupportedMapsForGameMode ( IGameMode gameMode ) : IEnumerable
gameMode IGameMode
Résultat IEnumerable

GetSupportedMapsForGameMode() public static méthode

returns a list of the class names of all maps that support the given game mode
public static GetSupportedMapsForGameMode ( string gameModeClassName ) : IEnumerable
gameModeClassName string
Résultat IEnumerable

Property Details

GameModeNames public_oe static_oe property

public static string[] GameModeNames
Résultat string[]

GameModes public_oe static_oe property

public static IGameMode[] GameModes
Résultat IGameMode[]