C# Class FlightCamera, Unity-Free-Flight

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Afficher le fichier Open project: NickolausDS/Unity-Free-Flight Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
cam GameObject
firstPersonPosition Vector3
flareCamAngle float
flareCamDist float
flareDuration float
flareLag float
rotationLag float
target GameObject
thirdPersonLag float
thirdPersonPosition Vector3

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Awake ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void
flareLook ( ) : void

Adjust the camera angle for a flare maneuver. The look direction will be the area the player wants to land, forward/below them about 50 degrees. You can adjust the look angle and duration by modifying the flarelook angle/timer variables above.

Method Details

Awake() public méthode

public Awake ( ) : void
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

public Update ( ) : void
Résultat void

flareLook() public méthode

Adjust the camera angle for a flare maneuver. The look direction will be the area the player wants to land, forward/below them about 50 degrees. You can adjust the look angle and duration by modifying the flarelook angle/timer variables above.
public flareLook ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

cam public_oe property

public GameObject cam
Résultat GameObject

firstPersonPosition public_oe property

public Vector3 firstPersonPosition
Résultat Vector3

flareCamAngle public_oe property

public float flareCamAngle
Résultat float

flareCamDist public_oe property

public float flareCamDist
Résultat float

flareDuration public_oe property

public float flareDuration
Résultat float

flareLag public_oe property

public float flareLag
Résultat float

rotationLag public_oe property

public float rotationLag
Résultat float

target public_oe property

public GameObject target
Résultat GameObject

thirdPersonLag public_oe property

public float thirdPersonLag
Résultat float

thirdPersonPosition public_oe property

public Vector3 thirdPersonPosition
Résultat Vector3