C# Class Cuts, UnderworldExporter

Base class for cutscene scripts.
Inheritance: GuiBase
Afficher le fichier Open project: hankmorgan/UnderworldExporter Class Usage Examples

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
StringBlockNo int

Protected Properties

Свойство Type Description
AudioClipName string[]
AudioTimes float[]
ImageFrames string[]
ImageLoops int[]
ImageTimes float[]
SubsDuration float[]
SubsStringIndices int[]
SubsTimes float[]
noOfAudioClips int
noOfImages int
noOfSubs int

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
Awake ( ) : void

Awake this instance and initialize the values for the cutscene

NoOfImages ( ) : int

Numbers of images.

PostCutSceneEvent ( ) : void

Support for code to be called after the cutscene ends

PreCutsceneEvent ( ) : void

Support for code to be called at the start of the cutscene

getAudioClip ( int index ) : string

Gets the audio clip.

getAudioTime ( int index ) : float

Gets the time the audio plays at.

getFillerAnim ( ) : string

Gets the filler animation. Used for black screens.

getImageFrame ( int index ) : string

Gets the image frame to display

getImageLoops ( int index ) : int

Gets the image loop number

getImageTime ( int index ) : float

Gets the image time.

getNoOfAudioClips ( ) : int

Gets the no of audio clips to process

getNoOfSubs ( ) : int

Gets the number of subs.

getSubDuration ( int index ) : float

Gets the duration of the sub.

getSubIndex ( int index ) : int

Gets the string index of the sub to display

getSubTime ( int index ) : float

Gets the time the sub appears at

Method Details

Awake() public méthode

Awake this instance and initialize the values for the cutscene
public Awake ( ) : void
Résultat void

NoOfImages() public méthode

Numbers of images.
public NoOfImages ( ) : int
Résultat int

PostCutSceneEvent() public méthode

Support for code to be called after the cutscene ends
public PostCutSceneEvent ( ) : void
Résultat void

PreCutsceneEvent() public méthode

Support for code to be called at the start of the cutscene
public PreCutsceneEvent ( ) : void
Résultat void

getAudioClip() public méthode

Gets the audio clip.
public getAudioClip ( int index ) : string
index int Array index to return
Résultat string

getAudioTime() public méthode

Gets the time the audio plays at.
public getAudioTime ( int index ) : float
index int Array index to return
Résultat float

getFillerAnim() public méthode

Gets the filler animation. Used for black screens.
public getFillerAnim ( ) : string
Résultat string

getImageFrame() public méthode

Gets the image frame to display
public getImageFrame ( int index ) : string
index int Array index to return
Résultat string

getImageLoops() public méthode

Gets the image loop number
public getImageLoops ( int index ) : int
index int Array index to return
Résultat int

getImageTime() public méthode

Gets the image time.
public getImageTime ( int index ) : float
index int Array index to return
Résultat float

getNoOfAudioClips() public méthode

Gets the no of audio clips to process
public getNoOfAudioClips ( ) : int
Résultat int

getNoOfSubs() public méthode

Gets the number of subs.
public getNoOfSubs ( ) : int
Résultat int

getSubDuration() public méthode

Gets the duration of the sub.
public getSubDuration ( int index ) : float
index int Array index to return
Résultat float

getSubIndex() public méthode

Gets the string index of the sub to display
public getSubIndex ( int index ) : int
index int Array index to return
Résultat int

getSubTime() public méthode

Gets the time the sub appears at
public getSubTime ( int index ) : float
index int Array index to return
Résultat float

Property Details

AudioClipName protected_oe property

protected string[] AudioClipName
Résultat string[]

AudioTimes protected_oe property

protected float[] AudioTimes
Résultat float[]

ImageFrames protected_oe property

protected string[] ImageFrames
Résultat string[]

ImageLoops protected_oe property

protected int[] ImageLoops
Résultat int[]

ImageTimes protected_oe property

protected float[] ImageTimes
Résultat float[]

StringBlockNo public_oe property

public int StringBlockNo
Résultat int

SubsDuration protected_oe property

protected float[] SubsDuration
Résultat float[]

SubsStringIndices protected_oe property

protected int[] SubsStringIndices
Résultat int[]

SubsTimes protected_oe property

protected float[] SubsTimes
Résultat float[]

noOfAudioClips protected_oe property

protected int noOfAudioClips
Résultat int

noOfImages protected_oe property

protected int noOfImages
Résultat int

noOfSubs protected_oe property

protected int noOfSubs
Résultat int