C# Class CS_AIAgent, Unity-AI-SpyVsGuard

Inheritance: MonoBehaviour, CS_IGOAP
Afficher le fichier Open project: danielmccluskey/Unity-AI-SpyVsGuard

Méthodes publiques

Свойство Type Description
m_bInterrupt bool
m_bKnowsTotemLocation bool
m_fAggroDistance float
m_fArrivalDistance float

Méthodes publiques

Méthode Description
AbortPlan ( CS_GOAPAction, a_FailedAction ) : void
AllActionsFinished ( ) : void
CreateGoalState ( ) : object>>.HashSet
GetWorldState ( ) : object>>.HashSet
MoveAgentToAction ( CS_GOAPAction, a_NextAction ) : bool

Function for the move state of the FSM, tells the agent how to move to its target

PlanFailed ( HashSet, a_kvpFailedGoal ) : void

Handles what happens when the plan fails (Unfinished)

PlanFound ( HashSet, a_kvpGoal, Queue, a_qActionQueue ) : void

Handles what happens when the agent finds a play (Unfinished)

Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Méthode Description
Start ( ) : void

Method Details

AbortPlan() public méthode

public AbortPlan ( CS_GOAPAction, a_FailedAction ) : void
a_FailedAction CS_GOAPAction,
Résultat void

AllActionsFinished() public méthode

public AllActionsFinished ( ) : void
Résultat void

CreateGoalState() public abstract méthode

public abstract CreateGoalState ( ) : object>>.HashSet
Résultat object>>.HashSet

GetWorldState() public méthode

public GetWorldState ( ) : object>>.HashSet
Résultat object>>.HashSet

MoveAgentToAction() public méthode

Function for the move state of the FSM, tells the agent how to move to its target
public MoveAgentToAction ( CS_GOAPAction, a_NextAction ) : bool
a_NextAction CS_GOAPAction, Action to do after the agent arrives at the target
Résultat bool

PlanFailed() public méthode

Handles what happens when the plan fails (Unfinished)
public PlanFailed ( HashSet, a_kvpFailedGoal ) : void
a_kvpFailedGoal HashSet,
Résultat void

PlanFound() public méthode

Handles what happens when the agent finds a play (Unfinished)
public PlanFound ( HashSet, a_kvpGoal, Queue, a_qActionQueue ) : void
a_kvpGoal HashSet,
a_qActionQueue Queue,
Résultat void

Update() public méthode

public Update ( ) : void
Résultat void

Property Details

m_bInterrupt public_oe property

public bool m_bInterrupt
Résultat bool

m_bKnowsTotemLocation public_oe property

public bool m_bKnowsTotemLocation
Résultat bool

m_fAggroDistance public_oe property

public float m_fAggroDistance
Résultat float

m_fArrivalDistance public_oe property

public float m_fArrivalDistance
Résultat float