C# (CSharp) zxingwp7.client.result Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description

See DoCoMo's documentation about the result types represented by subclasses of this class.

Thanks to Jeff Griffin for proposing rewrite of these classes that relies less on exception-based mechanisms during parsing.

AddressBookDoCoMoResultParser Implements the "MECARD" address book entry format. Supported keys: N, SOUND, TEL, EMAIL, NOTE, ADR, BDAY, URL, plus ORG Unsupported keys: TEL-AV, NICKNAME Except for TEL, multiple values for keys are also not supported; the first one found takes precedence. Our understanding of the MECARD format is based on this document: http://www.mobicode.org.tw/files/OMIA%20Mobile%20Bar%20Code%20Standard%20v3.2.1.doc
BizcardResultParser Implements the "BIZCARD" address book entry format, though this has been largely reverse-engineered from examples observed in the wild -- still looking for a definitive reference.
EmailAddressResultParser Represents a result that encodes an e-mail address, either as a plain address like "[email protected]" or a mailto: URL like "mailto:[email protected]".
ISBNResultParser Parses strings of digits that represent a ISBN.

Abstract class representing the result of decoding a barcode, as more than a String -- as some type of structured data. This might be a subclass which represents a URL, or an e-mail address. {@link ResultParser#parseResult(Result)} will turn a raw decoded string into the most appropriate type of structured representation.

Thanks to Jeff Griffin for proposing rewrite of these classes that relies less on exception-based mechanisms during parsing.

ParsedResultType Represents the type of data encoded by a barcode -- from plain text, to a URI, to an e-mail address, etc.
ProductResultParser Parses strings of digits that represent a UPC code.

Abstract class representing the result of decoding a barcode, as more than a String -- as some type of structured data. This might be a subclass which represents a URL, or an e-mail address. {@link #parseResult(com.google.zxing.Result)} will turn a raw decoded string into the most appropriate type of structured representation.

Thanks to Jeff Griffin for proposing rewrite of these classes that relies less on exception-based mechanisms during parsing.


Parses an "sms:" URI result, which specifies a number to SMS and optional "via" number. See the IETF draft on this.

This actually also parses URIs starting with "mms:", "smsto:", "mmsto:", "SMSTO:", and "MMSTO:", and treats them all the same way, and effectively converts them to an "sms:" URI for purposes of forwarding to the platform.

TelResultParser Parses a "tel:" URI result, which specifies a phone number.
TextParsedResult A simple result type encapsulating a string that has no further interpretation.
URIResultParser Tries to parse results that are a URI of some kind.
VEventResultParser Partially implements the iCalendar format's "VEVENT" format for specifying a calendar event. See RFC 2445. This supports SUMMARY, DTSTART and DTEND fields.