C# (CSharp) open3mod Namespace


Name Description
MaterialMapper Map assimp materials to OpenGl materials and shaders. Each scene has its own MaterialMapper, which is accessible via the Scene.MaterialMapper property. The class interface is implemented for every type of renderer.
Scene Represents a 3D scene/asset loaded through assimp. This class contains the aiScene plus some auxiliary structures for drawing. Since assimp is the only source for model data and this is only a viewer, we ignore the recommendation of the assimp docs and use its data structures (almost) directly for rendering.
SceneRendererClassicGl Render a Scene using old-school OpenGl, that is, display lists, matrix stacks and glVertexN-family calls.
SceneRendererModernGl "Modern" OpenGl-based renderer using VBOs and shaders.
SceneRendererShared Shared utility class for SceneRendererClassicGl and SceneRendererModernGl that encapsulates logic to traverse the scene graph, determine rendering passes and finally produce draw calls which are then dispatched to the (deriving) renderer implementation.
Shader Represents a shader program that consists of a vertex and a fragment shader stage.