C# (CSharp) Smrf.NodeXL.Visualization.Wpf Namespace


Name Description
CircleVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
CollapsedGroupDrawingManager Manages the drawing of the vertex that represents a collapsed group and its incident edges.
DiamondVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
DiskVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
DoubleClickedVertexInfo Stores information about the vertex that was most recently double-clicked in the NodeXLControl.
DraggedMarquee Represents a marquee that might be dragged with the mouse.
DraggedTranslation Represents a mouse drag that is translating the graph via a TranslateTransform.
DraggedVertices Represents one or more vertices that might be dragged with the mouse.
DrawerBase Base class for classes that perform drawing operations.
DrawingHistory Retains information about how an object was drawn.
EdgeDrawer Draws a graph's edges.
EdgeDrawingHistory Retains information about how one edge was drawn.
FormattedTextManager Manages the creation of FormattedText objects.
GraphDrawer Draws a NodeXL graph onto a collection of Visual objects.
GraphDrawingContext Provides access to objects needed for graph-drawing operations.
GraphImageScaler Sets the graph scale on a NodeXLControl and later restores the original graph scale.
GraphMouseButtonEventArgs Provides information for events fired when a graph is clicked.
GroupDrawer Provides methods that draw a graph's groups.
ImageVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as an image.
LabelVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a label shape.
MouseDrag Represents a mouse drag operation.
MouseDragWithVisual Represents a dragged object that has a visual representation.
NodeXLControl.GraphImageCenterer Centers a graph image for the NodeXLControl and later restores the original graph location.
NodeXLWithAxesControl Adds graph axes to a Visualization.Wpf.NodeXLControl.
RectangleVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a rectangle.
SolidDiamondVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SolidRoundedXVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SolidSquareVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SolidTaperedDiamondVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SolidTriangleVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SphereVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
SquareVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
TriangleVertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn as a .
VertexAndEdgeDrawerBase Base class for classes that draw vertices and edges.
VertexDrawer Draws a graph's vertices.
VertexDrawingHistory Retains information about how one vertex was drawn.
VertexLabelDrawer Draws a vertex label as an annotation.
VertexToolTipShownEventArgs Provides information for events fired when a tooltip is shown for a vertex.
VerticesMovedEventArgs Provides information for the NodeXLControl.VerticesMoved event.
VisualizationBase Base class for most classes in the namespace.