Name |
Description |
AutoJSContext |
Creates a scoped, fake "system principal" security context. This class is used primarly to work around bugs in gecko which prevent methods on nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet from working outside of javascript. |
ByteArrayInputStream |
Streams a byte array using nsIInputStream. |
ChromeDialog |
ConsoleMessageEventArgs |
DOMJSONStringEventArgs |
These event args will contain the javascript event that was raised along with its JSONString. |
FishPhish |
GeckoComment |
Represents a DOM Comment |
GeckoContextMenuEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoContextMenuEventHandler event. |
GeckoCreateWindowEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoCreateWindowEventHandler event. |
GeckoDomEventArgs |
Provides data about a DOM event. |
GeckoDomKeyEventArgs |
Provides data about a DOM key event. |
GeckoDomMessageEventArgs |
Provides data froma a message event. |
GeckoDomMessageEventArgs.JsVal |
GeckoDomMouseEventArgs |
Provides data about a DOM mouse event. |
GeckoDomUIEventArgs |
GeckoElementExtensions |
GeckoHistoryEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoHistoryEventHandler event. |
GeckoHistoryGotoIndexEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoHistoryGotoIndexEventHandler event. |
GeckoHistoryPurgeEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoHistoryPurgeEventHandler event. |
GeckoMIMEInputStream |
GeckoMarkupDocumentViewer |
GeckoNavigatedEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoNavigatedEventHandler event. |
GeckoNavigatingEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoNavigatingEventHandler event. |
GeckoNode |
Provides a base class for DOM nodes. |
GeckoProgressEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoProgressEventHandler event. |
GeckoRange |
Identifies a range of content in a document. |
GeckoResponse |
Represents a response to a Gecko web request. |
GeckoSelection |
Manipulates and queries the current selected range of nodes within the document. |
GeckoStyleSheetService |
GeckoWebBrowser |
A Gecko-based web browser. |
GeckoWebBrowser.ByteArrayInputStream |
GeckoWebBrowser.ConsoleListener |
GeckoWebBrowser.JSErrorHandler |
GeckoWebBrowser.ToolTipWindow |
A window to contain a tool tip. |
GeckoWebBrowser.WindowCreator |
GeckoWindowSetBoundsEventArgs |
Provides data for the GeckoWindowSetBoundsEventHandler event. |
GeckoWrapperCache |
To enable Caching of GeckoWrapper, include the include the following statement in your application: GeckoWrapperCache.Enabled = true; |
ImageCreator |
JavascriptErrorEventArgs |
LauncherDialog |
LauncherDialogEvent |
LauncherDialogFactory |
NavigateFinishedNotifier |
Emits NavigateFinished when a navigation has completed. |
PRUnicharMarshaler |
PrintSettings |
PromptService |
PromptServiceFactory |
RouteEventHandler |
This class is a wrapper to the underlying IDOMEventListner. It re-raises a C# event with apropriate event args. |
SimpleObjectForScripting |
XULRunnerLocator |
Search /usr/lib directory for the latest xulrunner. Currently looks for xulrunner-1.9.2 variants in /usr/lib. Returns null if no xulrunner-1.9.2 directory is found. xulrunner doesn't come with a .pc file so I can't use pkg-config to find location of xulrunner. |
imgIContainerConstants |
nsIContextMenuListener2Constants |
nsIDOMNodeConstants |
nsIDataTypeConstants |
nsIDocShellTreeItemConstants |
nsIEmbeddingSiteWindowConstants |
nsIHelperAppLauncherConstants |
nsIPromptServiceConstants |
nsIWebBrowserChromeConstants |
nsIWebBrowserPersistConstants |
nsIWebNavigationConstants |
nsIWebProgressListenerConstants |
nsIXulWindowConstants |