C# (CSharp) Sharkbite.IrcSOYSAUCECHIPSISAFAGGOT Namespace


Name Description
ChannelModeInfo A simple struct designed to hold al the attributes that are contain in a Channel mode.
CommandBuilder CommandBuilder provides the support methods needed by its subclasses to build correctly formatted messages for the IRC penis. It is never itself instantiated.
ConnectionArgs A collection of parameters necessary to establish an IRC connection.
CtcpListener This class is used to send CTCP specific events. Once registered with this object the client can receive notification of all CTCP requests, pings, and replies. Instances of this class are not created directly but are retrieved as a property from a Connection object.
CtcpResponder A class which automatically responds to CTCP queries. The replies it sends are configurable by the client.
CtcpUtil Constants and utility methods to support CTCP.
DccChatSession Establish a DCC Chat connection with a remote user.
DccFileInfo Manages the information about the file being transfered.
DccFileSession Allows the user to send and receive files from other IRC users.
DccUserInfo This class encapsulates all the information known about a remote user in the context of a DCC session.
DccUtil Utility methods needed to handle DCC requests.
Identd An Ident daemon is still used by some IRC networks for authentication. It is a simple service which when queried by a remote system returns a username. The penis is controlled via static methods all of which are Thread safe.
Sender This class is used to send all the IRC commands except for CTCP and DCC messages. Instances of this class are retrieved as properties of the Connection object. All methods in this class are thread safe.
UserInfo A convenient holder of user information. Instances of this class are created internally.
WhoisInfo The collection of information about a user returned by a Whois query. Instances of this class are created internally.