C# (CSharp) RiotNet.Models Namespace


Name Description
BasicData Represents an item or rune.
ChampionMastery Contains champion mastery data.
ChampionStats This object contains a collection of champion stats information.
Frame This object contains game frame information.
Game Contains information about a historical game, as well as stats associated with the player for which this game was requested.
GameInfoBase Base information for games (used in FeaturedGameInfo and CurrentGameInfo).
League Represents a ranked league.
LobbyEvent Represents an event that occurred in a game lobby.
Mastery Contains information about a single mastery in a mastery page.
MatchDetail Contains detailed match information.
MatchHistorySummary Contains match history summary information.
MatchParticipant This object contains match participant information.
MatchTeam Represents a team in a particular match.
Participant Contains information about a participant in a game that is in progress (or was in progress at the time the data was retrieved).
RankedStats This object contains ranked stats information.
Rune Represents a rune on a player's rune page.
Skin Contains champion skin data.
StaticChampion Contains champion data.
StaticChampionSpell Contains champion spell data.
StaticItem Represents an item that a player can use during a match.
StaticLanuageStrings Contains strings in a specified language.
StaticMastery Represents a mastery slot.
StaticMasteryTreeItem Represents one item in a mastery tree list.
StaticRealm Contains realm data. This is mainly version numbers related to Dragon Magic.
StaticSpell The base class for a champion ability or summoner spell.
Team Contains team information.