C# (CSharp) ObjectPrinter.TypeInspectors Namespace


Name Description
DictionaryTypeInspector inspects each entry as kev/value pair, where the key is ToString'd as the property name and the value is inspected as any other value would be. we welcome pull requests that will be more expressive when the key is not cleanly converted to a string.
EnumerableTypeInspector Inspects every item in the enumerable
ExceptionTypeInspector Returns properties in a well known order to make it easier to scan the data
Funcs Boiler plate functions that can be used to customize TypeInspectors
InspectAllTypeInspector Inspects all Fields and Properties, and any method definitions when IncludeMethods is true.
NameValueCollectionTypeInspector inspects each entry in the NameValueCollection, the key as a property name and the value as a value
ToStringTypeInspector returns the ToString() represenation for every object.
XmlNodeTypeInspector returns the InnerXml of the node as a string