Name |
Description |
Address |
AddressType |
AwBuildVersion |
BillOfMaterials |
Contact |
ContactCreditCard |
ContactType |
CountryRegion |
CountryRegionCurrency |
CreditCard |
Culture |
Currency |
CurrencyRate |
Customer |
CustomerAddress |
DatabaseLog |
Department |
Document |
Employee |
EmployeeAddress |
EmployeeDepartmentHistory |
EmployeePayHistory |
EntityBaseCore |
EntityFactory |
Entity Factory provides methods to create entity types from type names as strings. |
EntityKeyBaseCore |
EntityPropertyComparer |
Provide a generic comparer for our entity objects. |
EntityUtil |
Provides common utility methods for interacting with objects. |
ErrorLog |
GenericTypeConverter |
Provides a unified way of converting types of values to other types, as well as for accessing standard values and subproperties. Used by the nettiers strongly typed collection, so they can be saved in ViewState. |
Illustration |
Individual |
JobCandidate |
Location |
NullFkeyChild |
NullFkeyParent |
Product |
ProductCategory |
ProductCostHistory |
ProductDescription |
ProductDocument |
ProductInventory |
ProductModel |
ProductModelIllustration |
ProductModelProductDescriptionCulture |
ProductPhoto |
ProductProductPhoto |
ProductReview |
ProductSubcategory |
ProductVendor |
PurchaseOrderDetail |
PurchaseOrderHeader |
SalesOrderDetail |
SalesOrderHeaderSalesReason |
SalesPerson |
SalesPersonQuotaHistory |
SalesReason |
SalesTaxRate |
SalesTerritory |
SalesTerritoryHistory |
ScrapReason |
Shift |
ShipMethod |
ShoppingCartItem |
SpecialOffer |
StateProvince |
Store |
StoreContact |
StudentMasterIndex |
TestIssue117Tablea |
TestIssue117Tableb |
TestIssue117Tablec |
TestProduct |
TestTimestamp |
TestVariant |
TimestampPk |
TransactionHistory |
TransactionHistoryArchive |
UnitMeasure |
VAdditionalContactInfo |
VAdditionalContactInfoBase |
VEmployee |
VEmployeeBase |
VEmployeeDepartment |
VEmployeeDepartmentBase |
VEmployeeDepartmentHistory |
VEmployeeDepartmentHistoryBase |
VIndividualCustomer |
VIndividualCustomerBase |
VIndividualDemographics |
VIndividualDemographicsBase |
VJobCandidate |
VJobCandidateBase |
VJobCandidateEducation |
VJobCandidateEducationBase |
VJobCandidateEmployment |
VJobCandidateEmploymentBase |
VProductAndDescription |
VProductAndDescriptionBase |
VProductModelCatalogDescription |
VProductModelCatalogDescriptionBase |
VProductModelInstructions |
VProductModelInstructionsBase |
VSalesPerson |
VSalesPersonBase |
VSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYears |
VSalesPersonSalesByFiscalYearsBase |
VStateProvinceCountryRegion |
VStateProvinceCountryRegionBase |
VStoreWithDemographics |
VStoreWithDemographicsBase |
VVendor |
VVendorBase |
VendorAddress |
VendorContact |