C# (CSharp) NUnitLite.Runner Namespace


Name Description
ConsoleUI A version of TextUI that outputs to the console. If you use it on a device without a console like PocketPC or SmartPhone you won't see anything! Call it from your Main like this: new ConsoleUI().Execute(args);
DebugUI A version of TextUI that displays to debug. Call it from your Main like this: new DebugUI().Execute(args);
DebugWriter DebugWriter is a TextWriter that sends it's output to Debug. We don't use Trace because writing to it is not supported in CF.
FileUI A version of TextUI that writes to a file. Call it from your Main like this: new FileUI(filePath).Execute(args);
NUnit3XmlOutputWriter NUnit3XmlOutputWriter is responsible for writing the results of a test to a file in NUnit 3.0 format.
ResultReporter ResultReporter writes the NUnitLite results to a TextWriter.
ResultSummary Helper class used to summarize the result of a test run
TextUI TextUI is a general purpose class that runs tests and outputs to a TextWriter. Call it from your Main like this: new TextUI(textWriter).Execute(args); OR new TextUI().Execute(args); The provided TextWriter is used by default, unless the arguments to Execute override it using -out. The second form uses the Console, provided it exists on the platform. NOTE: When running on a platform without a Console, such as Windows Phone, the results will simply not appear if you fail to specify a file in the call itself or as an option.