Name |
Description |
AboutMenuItemAttribute |
AlertElement |
For any real-time chart, you can set up the alert manager as under: |
AnimationStyle |
ApplyElement |
AxisAttribute |
BackgroundAttribute |
BevelStyle |
BlurStyle |
BorderAttribute |
CategoryElementBase |
Category Element의 기본 클래스 |
ChartAttributeBase |
Chart의 속성 정보를 나타내는 클래스의 추상 클래스입니다. |
ChartBase |
ChartElementBase |
Chart의 Element로 구성되는 정보를 표현하는 기본 클래스입니다. |
ChartExtensions |
ChartObjectBase |
모든 FusionChart의 Chart, Element, Attribute의 기본 요소입니다. |
ChartStyleElementBase |
Chart Style |
ChartTestFixtureBase |
ChartUtil |
ColorAttribute |
Color, Alpha Attribute |
ColorExtensions |
Color와 관련된 Extension Methods를 제공합니다. |
CosmeticAttribute |
DashLineAttribute |
DateTimeLineElement |
DateTimeTrendLineCollection |
DoubleLineElement |
ExportAttribute |
XML attributes of element are used to configure all aspects of export chart. |
ExportDataMenuItemAttribute |
Chart 의 Data를 CSV 형태로 Clipboard로 복사하기 위한 Attribute |
FontAttribute |
FontStyle |
FusionLink |
GlowStyle |
GridAttribute |
ImageGenerator |
FusionCharts Image Generator Class FusionCharts Exporter - 'Image Resource' handles FusionCharts (since v3.1) Server Side Export feature that helps FusionCharts exported as Image files in various formats. |
ItemAttribute |
LegendAttribute |
LegendElement |
LineAttribute |
LineElement |
LineElementBase |
LogoAttribute |
MarginAttribute |
Chart의 Margin Attributes |
MarkAttribute |
MenuItemAttributeBase |
Fusion Chart Context Menu와 관련된 속성들 |
MessageLoggerAttribute |
NumberFormatAttribute |
PDFCompress |
This is an ad-hoc class to compress PDF stream. Currently this class compresses binary (byte) stream using RLE which PDF 1.3 specification has thus formulated: The RunLengthDecode filter decodes data that has been encoded in a simple byte-oriented format based on run length. The encoded data is a sequence of runs, where each run consists of a length byte followed by 1 to 128 bytes of data. If the length byte is in the range 0 to 127, the following length + 1 (1 to 128) bytes are copied literally during decompression. If length is in the range 129 to 255, the following single byte is to be copied 257 − length (2 to 128) times during decompression. A length value of 128 denotes EOD. The chart image compression ratio comes to around 10:3 |
PDFGenerator |
FusionCharts Exporter - 'PDF Resource' handles FusionCharts (since v3.1) Server Side Export feature that helps FusionCharts exported as PDF file. |
PivotAttribute |
ScrollBarAttribute |
Scroll 관련 속성 정보 |
ShadowStyle |
StylesElement |
TickMarkAttribute |
ToolTipAttribute |