Name |
Description |
ActivityElement |
ActivityMonoMobileDialog |
AlignmentAttribute |
BadgeElement |
This element can be used to show an image with some text |
BaseBooleanImageElement |
This class is used to render a string + a state in the form of an image. |
BaseBooleanImageElement.TextWithImageCellView |
BindingContext |
BindingContext.MemberAndInstance |
BindingContext.MemberRadioGroup |
BoolElement |
BooleanElement |
Used to display switch on the screen. |
BooleanImageElement |
ButtonElement |
CaptionAttribute |
DateElement |
DateTimeElement |
DateTimeElement.MyViewController |
DialogActivity |
DialogHelper |
DialogInstanceData |
DialogNavigationControllerAdapter |
DialogViewController |
The DialogViewController is the main entry point to use MonoTouch.Dialog, it provides a simplified API to the UITableViewController. |
DialogViewController.SearchDelegate |
DialogViewController.SizingSource |
DialogViewController.Source |
DroidResources |
Element |
EntryAttribute |
EntryElement |
An element that can be used to enter text. |
FloatElement |
Used to display a slider on the screen. |
GlassButton |
GlassButton is a glossy/glass button. User code can use either targets or can subscribe to the Tapped event. Colors are customized by asssigning to the NormalColor, HighlightedColor and DisabledColor properties |
GraphicsUtil |
HtmlActivity |
HtmlElement |
ImageStringElement |
JsonElement |
LoadMoreElement |
LocalizationExtensions |
MessageElement |
MessageElement.MessageCell |
MessageSummaryView |
OnTapAttribute |
OwnerDrawnElement |
OwnerDrawnElement.OwnerDrawnCell |
OwnerDrawnElement.OwnerDrawnCellView |
PasswordAttribute |
RadioElement |
RadioSelectionAttribute |
RangeAttribute |
RefreshTableHeaderView |
RootElement |
Screen |
SearchChangedEventArgs |
SectionAttribute |
StyledMultilineElement |
StyledStringElement |
A version of the StringElement that can be styled with a number of formatting options and can render images or background images either from UIImage parameters or by downloading them from the net. |
StyledStringElement.ExtraInfo |
TimeElement |
UITableViewCellCustom |
UITableViewCellCustomAlternative |
UITableViewCellCustomListXIBless |
UIViewElement |
This element can be used to insert an arbitrary UIView |
UserInterfaceForTest |
Util |