C# (CSharp) Miracle.FileZilla.Api Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AccountSettings Class used to transfer all users and groups to/from FileZilla server
Authentication Used during connect to FileZilla server.
Connection Information about an active FTP connection to FileZilla
ConnectionAdded A connection has been added
ConnectionRemoved A connection has been removed
ConnectionTransferOffsets A connection has been added
ConnectionUserChanged A connection has been removed
Event Class used to transfer server settings to/from FileZilla server
FileZillaApi FileZilla server API
FileZillaMessage FileZilla message
Group Class representing a FileZilla group
Hex Hex dump helper class (Tip: Use Hex.Dump(variable) in QuickWatch)
MemoryStreamExtensions Extension methods for memorystream
Option Class used to transfer a single option to/from FileZilla server
OptionInfo Description about an option
ProtocolVersions Protocol version constants.
Settings Class used to transfer server settings to/from FileZilla server
SharedFolder Class representing permissions to a shared folder
SocketCommunication Base class used for communication with a socket
SpeedLimit Object representing a download or upload speed limit
SpeedLimitRule Class representing a FileZilla Speed limit rule
Transfer Class containing information about a FTP transfer
TransferInfo Server message informing about amount of data currently being transfered.
User Class representing a FileZilla user