C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing.Client Namespace


Name Description
AdvancedButton Represents a control that builds on top of the standard platform Button, offering the ability to modify the corner radii or even use special button modes.
BrushSelector A color selection converter for translating a bool result into a color.
ClassicTestPage A user control that should be used as the root visual for a Silverlight plugin if developers would like to use the advanced TestSurface functionality within Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing. The TestSurface is automatically cleared after each test scenario completes, eliminating the need for many additional cleanup methods.
ClipboardHelper Exposes clipboard functionality within Silverlight 3 applications when a Silverlight 4 runtime is in use.
ColorSelectorConverter A color selection converter for translating a bool result into a color.
DataManager Manages the unit test status and model by attaching to the unit test harness instance. Validates that all key logging can be done without special hooks inside of the unit test harness implementation.
DataTemplateSelector A specialized data template selector.
FontWeightConverter A converter for modifying the font weight based on a parameter.
Header The test results header control.
InvertValueConverter A specialized bool inversion selector.
InvertedTypeNameVisibilityConverter A value converter for collapsing or showing elements based on the bound object's type name. Does not walk the hierarchy - it is explicit to the most specific class for the value. This class, InvertedTypeNameVisibilityConverter, offers the opposite behavior of the TypeNameVisibilityConverter class.
MobileStartup The TagEditor control provides a brief user interface allowing for the selection of a set of tests, used to filter the test run.
MobileTestExceptionDetails Mobile test exceptions page.
MobileTestMethodDetails Mobile test method details page.
MobileTestPage A user control designed for mobile platforms. The control should be used as the root visual for a Silverlight plugin if developers would like to use the advanced TestSurface functionality.
Notifications A class that contains notification information.
PropertyChangedBase A base class for model objects that implement the property changed interface, to simplify calling the change handlers, and cache the underlying event argument instances.
ResultsTreeView A derived TreeView control specific to the application needs for showing results in real-time.
ResultsTreeViewItem A derived TreeViewItem for IsExpanded binding.
SlideManager A helper class to managing sets of slides.
TagEditor The TagEditor control provides a brief user interface allowing for the selection of a set of tests, used to filter the test run.
TagExpressionEventArgs A class for storing event information relating to a user's selected tag expression for a test run.
TestApplicationInformation This class contains information about the test application and its deployment settings.
TestAssemblyData A data object storing the hierarchical results for a test assembly in a test run.
TestClassData A data object that generates property change notifications and can be used for rich data binding to test results. Does keep a reference to all results.
TestExceptionDetails Displays information about any exceptions listed in the results.
TestMethodData A data object that generates property change notifications and can be used for rich data binding to test results. Does keep a reference to all results.
TestMethodDetails Details view for test method data.
TestPage A user control that should be used as the root visual for a Silverlight plugin if developers would like to use the advanced TestSurface functionality within Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing. The TestSurface is automatically cleared after each test scenario completes, eliminating the need for many additional cleanup methods.
TestRunData A data object that generates property change notifications and can be used for rich data binding to test results. Does keep a reference to all results.
TimeHelper A set of simple time helper methods.
TypeNameVisibilityConverter A value converter for collapsing or showing elements based on the bound object's type name. Does not walk the hierarchy - it is explicit to the most specific class for the value.
ValidateExtensions A set of simple extension methods for applications.
VisibilityConverter A value converter for collapsing or showing elements.
VisualStates Visual states helper code.