C# (CSharp) Mapsui.Providers.Wfs.Xml Namespace


Name Description
XPathQueryManager This class provides an easy-to-use interface for complex (parameterized) XPath queries.
XPathQueryManager.CustomQueryContext This class represents a custom context for XPath queries. It is derived from XsltContext.
XPathQueryManager.ParamBase This class is the base class of ParamCompare and ParamCompareWithTargetNs.
XPathQueryManager.ParamCompare This class performs a string comparison in an XPath expression.
XPathQueryManager.ParamCompareWithTargetNs This class performs a string comparison in an XPath expression. It is specifically created for using in XML schema documents.
XPathQueryManager.ParamFunctionVar This class represents a variable in an XPath expression.
XPathQueryManagerCompiledExpressionsDecorator This class is a decorator for classes implementing IXPathQueryManager. It stores compiled XPath expressions for re-use.
XPathQueryManagerDecoratorBase This class should be the base class of all decorators for classes implementing IXPathQueryManager.