C# (CSharp) Landis.Extension.BaseHarvest Namespace


Name Description
AgeRange A range of cohort ages.
AllSpeciesCohortSelector Removes certain cohorts of all species from a site.
AppliedPrescription The application of a prescription to a management area.
AppliedRepeatHarvest The application of a repeat-harvest to a management area.
ClearCut Removes all the cohorts at a site.
CompleteStand A site-selection method that harvests all the sites in a stand.
EconomicRank A stand ranking method based on economic ranks
EconomicRankParameters The parameters for computing the economic rank for a species.
EconomicRankTable A collection of parameters for computing the economic ranks of species.
EveryNthCohort Selects every Nth cohort among a species' cohorts for harvesting.
FireRiskParameters The parameters for computing the economic rank for a species.
FireRiskRank A stand ranking method based on economic ranks
FireRiskTable A collection of parameters for computing the economic ranks of species.
InclusionRule a struct for the inclusion-rule type to hold all parameters
InputParameters The parameters for harvest.
InputParametersParser A parser that reads harvest parameters from text input.
ManagementArea Management area is a collection of stands to which specific harvesting prescriptions are applied.
ManagementAreas Utility methods for management areas.
MapNames Methods for working with the template for the names of prescription maps.
MaxCohortAge A stand ranking method where the oldest stands are harvested first.
MaximumAge A ranking requirement which requires a stand be no more than a certain maximum age to be eligible for ranking.
MinTimeSinceLastHarvest A ranking requirement which requires a stand's neighbors be at least a certain minimum age to be eligible for ranking.
MinimumAge A ranking requirement which requires a stand be at least a certain minimum age to be eligible for ranking.
MultiSpeciesCohortSelector Removes certain cohorts of one or more species from a site.
Presalvage A ranking requirement which requires the average time to next BDA disturbance to be less than or equal to the input presalvage years
Prescription A prescription describes how stands are ranked, how sites are selected, and which cohorts are harvested.
PrescriptionMaps Utility class for prescription maps.
RandomRank A ranking requirement which requires a stand be no more than a certain maximum age to be eligible for ranking.
RegulateAgesRank A ranking requirement which requires a stand be no more than a certain maximum age to be eligible for ranking.
RepeatHarvest A repeat harvest is a variation of a prescription that harvests stands and then sets them aside for additional harvests.
ReservedStand A stand that's been set aside for a future harvest.
RoundedInterval The interval for a repeat-harvest that has been rounded up to the next multiple of the harvest timestep.
SelectCohorts Various methods for selecting which of a species' cohorts to harvest.
SingleRepeatHarvest A single repeat-harvest harvests stands and then sets them aside for just one additional harvest. The additional harvest can remove a different set of cohorts than the initial harvest.
SpatialArrangement A ranking requirement which requires a stand's neighbors be at least a certain minimum age to be eligible for ranking.
SpecificAgesCohortSelector Selects specific ages and ranges of ages among a species' cohorts for harvesting.
StandAdjacency A ranking requirement which requires a stand 's neighbors to be no less than the minimum age to be eligible for ranking.
StandRanking A stand and its ranking.
StandRankingMethod A base class that represents a method for computing stand rankings.
StandSpreading A site-selection method that spreads to neighboring stands based on their rankings.
Stands Utility methods for stands.