C# (CSharp) HearthAnalyzer.Core.Cards.Weapons Namespace


Name Description
ArcaniteReaper Implements the Arcanite Reaper Weapon
Ashbringer Implements the Ashbringer Weapon
AssassinsBlade Implements the Assassin's Blade Weapon
BattleAxe Implements the Battle Axe Weapon
BloodFury Implements the Blood Fury Weapon
DeathsBite Implements the Death's Bite Weapon Deathrattle: Deal 1 damage to all minions.
Doomhammer Implements the Doomhammer Weapon Windfury, Overload: (2)
DualWarglaives Implements the Dual Warglaives Weapon
EaglehornBow Implements the Eaglehorn Bow Weapon Whenever a friendly Secret is revealed, gain +1 Durability.
FieryWarAxe Implements the Fiery War Axe Weapon
GladiatorsLongbow Implements the Gladiator's Longbow Weapon Your hero is Immune while attacking.
Gorehowl Implements the Gorehowl weapon
HeavyAxe Implements the Heavy Axe Weapon
Hook Implements the Hook Weapon Deathrattle: Put this weapon into your hand.
Jaws Implements the Jaws Weapon Whenever a minion with Deathrattle dies, gain +2 Attack.
LightsJustice Implements the Light's Justice Weapon
MassiveRuneblade Implements the Massive Runeblade Weapon Deals double damage to heroes.
PerditionsBlade Implements the Perdition's Blade Weapon Battlecry: Deal 1 damage. Combo: Deal 2 instead.
Runeblade Implements the Runeblade Weapon Has +6 Attack if the other Horsemen are dead.
StormforgedAxe Implements the Stormforged Axe Weapon
SwordofJustice Implements the Sword of Justice Weapon Whenever you summon a minion, give it +1/+1 and this loses 1 Durability.
TruesilverChampion Implements the Truesilver Champion Weapon Whenever your hero attacks, restore 2 Health to it.
WarglaiveofAzzinoth Implements the Warglaive of Azzinoth Weapon
WickedKnife Implements the Wicked Knife Weapon