C# (CSharp) Habanero.Smooth Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AllClassesAutoMapper Maps all Business Objects in an ITypeSource to a IClassDef
AllClassesAutoMapperExtensions Extension methods used so that a more smooth syntax can be used when coding and using Habanero.Smooth.
AutoMapDateTimePropRuleAttribute Marks a Date Range property rule
AutoMapStringPatternMatchPropRuleAttribute Marks a String Pattern Match property rule. PropRuleString
ClassAutoMapper Automatically Maps the Class identified by a TypeWrapper to a ClassDefinition IClassDef
ClassAutoMapperExtensions Extension method so that the code for automappin an individual class can b more fluent.
ClassDefExtensions A set of extension methods that can be used to make it easier to add and edit A ClassDef.
Guard Performs common argument validation.
IdentityAutoMapper Maps the Identity
IdentityAutoMapperExtensions Extension methods developed for syntactic sugar to allow you to do Identity Mapping easier
InheritanceAutoMapper Automatically maps an inheritance Relationship. based on the heuristic of ChildClass: ParentClass where the ChildClass and ParentClass are both BusinessObjects. The Inhertiance Relationship is always taken as Single Table.
InheritanceAutoMapperExtensions Simple Extension methods to make the code for automapping extension methods more fluid.
ManyToOneAutoMapper A Class to Reflectively map a PropertyInfo to a ManyToOne Habanero Relationship.
ManyToOneAutoMapperExtensions Extension methods that adds some syntactic sugar for testing the ManyToOneAutoMapper.
OneToManyAutoMapper AutoMapper that used used to create the relationship in the case for a One To Many Relationship.
OneToManyAutoMapperExtensions Extension methods to make the automapping testing and using easier through a fluent style interface
OneToOneAutoMapper Conventions 1) If no single reverse relationship and no Attribute is found then it is assumed that relationship is a M:1 i.e. its rev is a 1:M 2) If no single rev rel and 1:1Attribute with no RevRelName then RevRelName = ClassName 3) If no single rev rel and 1:1Att with RevRelName then RevRelName = DeclaredRevRelName 4) If has single rev rel then RevRelName = foundRevRelationshipName Determing RelatedProps if ownerClass.HasProp(RelName+ID) and relatedClass.NotHasProp(RevRelName+ID) owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = foundOwnerPropName relatedProp = RelatedClass.ID. if relatedClass.HasProp(reverseRel+ID) and ownerClass.NotHasProp(RelName+ID) owningBOHasForeignKey = false; ownerProp = OwnerClass.Id relatedProp = foundRelatedPropName if ownerClass.HasProp(RelName+ID) and relatedClass.HasProp(RevRelName+ID) if(RelName == relatedClassName) owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = foundOwnerClassId relatedProp = foundRelatedPropName Else if ownerClassName LT relatedClassName owningBOHasForeignKey = false; ownerProp = OwnerClassId relatedProp = reverseRelationshipName+ID Else owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = RelationshipName+ID relatedProp = RelatedClass.ID
OneToOneAutoMapperExtensions Provides extension methods to provide a more fluent mechanism for determining a RelationshipDef from the Property.
PropMapperExtensions Provides extension methods that allow a more fluent programming style
PropertyAutoMapper This is a class that will automap all properties in the BusinessObject.
ReflectionClassDefLoader Provides a IClassDefsLoader that will load a class Definition based on reflection and heuristics.
UniqueConstraintAutoMapper Automatically maps all unique constraints defined on a class using a the appropriate attributes (e.g. AutoMapUniqueConstraintAttribute) via reflection.
UniqueConstraintAutoMapperExtensions Extension methods to make the syntax of Automapping unique costraints easier