Name |
Description |
AllClassesAutoMapper |
Maps all Business Objects in an ITypeSource to a IClassDef |
AllClassesAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension methods used so that a more smooth syntax can be used when coding and using Habanero.Smooth. |
AppDomainTypeSource |
AssemblyTypeSource |
AutoMapDateTimePropRuleAttribute |
Marks a Date Range property rule |
AutoMapDefaultAttribute |
AutoMapDisplayNameAttribute |
AutoMapFieldNameAttribute |
AutoMapIntPropRuleAttribute |
AutoMapManyToOneAttribute |
AutoMapOneToManyAttribute |
AutoMapOneToOneAttribute |
AutoMapReadWriteRuleAttribute |
AutoMapRelationshipAttribute |
AutoMapShortPropRuleAttribute |
AutoMapStringLengthPropRuleAttribute |
AutoMapStringPatternMatchPropRuleAttribute |
Marks a String Pattern Match property rule. PropRuleString |
AutoMapTableNameAttribute |
AutoMapUniqueConstraintAttribute |
ClassAutoMapper |
Automatically Maps the Class identified by a TypeWrapper to a ClassDefinition IClassDef |
ClassAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension method so that the code for automappin an individual class can b more fluent. |
ClassDefExtensions |
A set of extension methods that can be used to make it easier to add and edit A ClassDef. |
Guard |
Performs common argument validation. |
IdentityAutoMapper |
Maps the Identity |
IdentityAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension methods developed for syntactic sugar to allow you to do Identity Mapping easier |
InheritanceAutoMapper |
Automatically maps an inheritance Relationship. based on the heuristic of ChildClass: ParentClass where the ChildClass and ParentClass are both BusinessObjects. The Inhertiance Relationship is always taken as Single Table. |
InheritanceAutoMapperExtensions |
Simple Extension methods to make the code for automapping extension methods more fluid. |
ManyToOneAutoMapper |
A Class to Reflectively map a PropertyInfo to a ManyToOne Habanero Relationship. |
ManyToOneAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension methods that adds some syntactic sugar for testing the ManyToOneAutoMapper. |
OneToManyAutoMapper |
AutoMapper that used used to create the relationship in the case for a One To Many Relationship. |
OneToManyAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension methods to make the automapping testing and using easier through a fluent style interface |
OneToOneAutoMapper |
Conventions 1) If no single reverse relationship and no Attribute is found then it is assumed that relationship is a M:1 i.e. its rev is a 1:M 2) If no single rev rel and 1:1Attribute with no RevRelName then RevRelName = ClassName 3) If no single rev rel and 1:1Att with RevRelName then RevRelName = DeclaredRevRelName 4) If has single rev rel then RevRelName = foundRevRelationshipName Determing RelatedProps if ownerClass.HasProp(RelName+ID) and relatedClass.NotHasProp(RevRelName+ID) owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = foundOwnerPropName relatedProp = RelatedClass.ID. if relatedClass.HasProp(reverseRel+ID) and ownerClass.NotHasProp(RelName+ID) owningBOHasForeignKey = false; ownerProp = OwnerClass.Id relatedProp = foundRelatedPropName if ownerClass.HasProp(RelName+ID) and relatedClass.HasProp(RevRelName+ID) if(RelName == relatedClassName) owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = foundOwnerClassId relatedProp = foundRelatedPropName Else if ownerClassName LT relatedClassName owningBOHasForeignKey = false; ownerProp = OwnerClassId relatedProp = reverseRelationshipName+ID Else owningBOHasForeignKey = true; ownerProp = RelationshipName+ID relatedProp = RelatedClass.ID |
OneToOneAutoMapperExtensions |
Provides extension methods to provide a more fluent mechanism for determining a RelationshipDef from the Property. |
PropMapperExtensions |
Provides extension methods that allow a more fluent programming style |
PropertyAutoMapper |
This is a class that will automap all properties in the BusinessObject. |
ReflectionClassDefLoader |
Provides a IClassDefsLoader that will load a class Definition based on reflection and heuristics. |
UniqueConstraintAutoMapper |
Automatically maps all unique constraints defined on a class using a the appropriate attributes (e.g. AutoMapUniqueConstraintAttribute) via reflection. |
UniqueConstraintAutoMapperExtensions |
Extension methods to make the syntax of Automapping unique costraints easier |