C# (CSharp) Google.PowerShell.Common Namespace


Name Description
ActiveUserConfig Class that represents the current active gcloud config. The active gcloud config is the config that is listed when running "gcloud config list". This active config can be changed if the user run commands like "gcloud config set account" or if certain CLOUDSDK_* environment variables are changed.
AuthenticateWithSdkCredentialsExecutor OAuth 2.0 credential for accessing protected resources using an access token. This class will get the access token from "gcloud auth print-access-token".
CloudSdkSettings Wrapper over the settings files created by the Google Cloud SDK. No data is cached, so it is possible to have race conditions between gcloud and PowerShell. This is by design. gcloud is the source of truth for data.
GCloudWrapper This class shell executes "gcloud {command} --format=json", to allow delegation to Cloud SDK implementation. Used for things like credential management.
HitSender Class used to send Google Analytic hits using the Google Analytics measurement protocol. For more information, see: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/
JsonExtensions Static class that contains extension static to manipulate JToken.
OutputHandlerEventArgs Evemt args passed to the output handler of a process.
ProcessOutput This class contains the output of a running process.
ProcessUtils This class defines helper methods for starting sub-processes and getting the output from the processes.
TokenResponse OAuth 2.0 model for a successful access token response as specified in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5.1.