C# (CSharp) Fanx.Util Namespace


Name Description
Box Box is a byte buffer used to pack a fcode/class file.
DataReader DataReader is an implemention of java.io.DataInputStream for .NET.
EnvScripts ScriptUtil manages script caching and compilation.
FanUtil Utilites for dealing with type names in .NET.
FileUtil FileUtil.
OpUtil OpUtil provides static methods used to implement special fcode opcodes.
Properties Properties is an partial implemention of java.util.Properties for .NET.
Scheduler Scheduler is used to schedule work to be run after an elapsed period of time. It is optimized for use with the actor framework. Scheduler lazily launches a background thread the first time an item of work is scheduled.
StrUtil StrUtil provides helpful methods for string manipulation.
ThreadPool ThreadPool manages a pool of threads optimized for the Actor framework.
ThreadPool.Worker Worker is a reusable thread within the thread pool.
TypeParser TypeParser is used to parser formal type signatures which are used in Sys.type() and in fcode for typeRefs.def. Signatures are formated as (with arbitrary nesting): x::N x::V[] x::V[x::K] |x::A, ... -> x::R|