C# (CSharp) Emmet.Engine Namespace


Name Description
EmmetEditorCallbacks Implementation of IEmmetEditor interface for JavaScript engine. See https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/blob/master/lib/interfaces/IEmmetEditor.js for details.
EmmetEngineExceptionArgs Contains additional information about JavaScript exceptions.
EmmetFileCallbacks Implementation of IEmmetFile interface for JavaScript engine. See https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/blob/master/lib/interfaces/IEmmetFile.js for details.
EngineCompiler Compiles Emmet source files using the specified V8 engine instance.
EngineWrapper Encapsulates Emmet library compiled using V8 engine and provides command execution functionality.
Range Represents a range of text and mimics Emmet engine range objects.
TabStopsParser Wrapper over tab stops utility in the Emmet engine. Can be used to prepare expanded abbreviations to be inserted into the editor and get information about tab stops.